Exploration Events

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Text events that happen after exploring POIs (point of interest) on Geoscape. To explore POI you need aircraft with at least 1 soldier. Events are random and not predetermined.

Events with choices

The Forgotten

Our operatives have discovered the location of an abandoned lab. The doors appear to have remained sealed for at least twenty years. Unfortunately, it is impossible to ascertain the lab's purpose from the outside.

Player choice 1: Break in Player choice 2: Let it be

Break in

"The scientists who once worked in this lab are nothing but skeletons, starved to death long ago. It would seem they kept working to the end, trying to find a cure to the Pandoravirus.

As our operatives strip the base, they find a note left by the scientists. It's a short, simple message: "Make it all mean something."


Tech.png TECH +120, Research +150, Stamina - 10

Let it be

Perhaps it's best not to know what is in there. Our operatives will bury the lab, leaving its mysteries for another generation, should one ever come to pass.

Events without choice

The Towering Incompetence

Our operatives have discovered a highly-fortified skyscraper. The site appears to be abandoned. Our findings indicate that this location was fortified by the owners of a hedge fund, who intended to outlast the end of days here. Although the structure is beginning to crumble, it would have been a good place to survive the early years of the apocalypse.

Player choice: Investigate

This tragedy is something of a puzzle: despite the availability of tremendous technical resources and enough supplies to last a century, the owners of this structure apparently died from voluntarily drinking unfiltered water.


Materials.png MATERIALS +400, Food.png FOOD +80.