All Events
This page is Exploration Events, Anu Haven Events, New Jericho Haven events and Synedrion Haven events combined on one page. All the text events that can trigger after exploring POI or visiting faction Haven for a first time.
Research reactions that trigger on Geoscape after some specific research is finished either by Phoenix Project or factions are also added here.
If you are using CTRL+F to see the outcomes before making choice you can do it here and search all of them on one page instead of searching through 5 Wiki pages.
- 1 Exploration events with choices
- 1.1 A Handful of Dust
- 1.2 A Luxurious Apocalypse
- 1.3 Aftermath
- 1.4 At Peace
- 1.5 Behind the Walls
- 1.6 Buried Treasure
- 1.7 Cetus (coastal site)
- 1.8 Dead Town
- 1.9 Death Is A Highway
- 1.10 Do No Harm
- 1.11 Dulce et Decorum est
- 1.12 Embalmed
- 1.13 Fighting Fire with Fire
- 1.14 Flowers for the Dead
- 1.15 Fun Games and Killer Clowns
- 1.16 Fungus Humongous
- 1.17 Ghost Ship (coastal site)
- 1.18 Growth Spurt
- 1.19 Hard Justice
- 1.20 Heads Up, A Head Ahead
- 1.21 Horror from the Deep (coastal site)
- 1.22 Hot Stuff
- 1.23 How Do You Like Them Apples
- 1.24 It Is Coming (needs value w higher than 3)
- 1.25 Lad Land
- 1.26 Lake Placid
- 1.27 Lay of the Land
- 1.28 Let's Go To The Mall
- 1.29 Limpet Surge
- 1.30 Listen Up
- 1.31 Long Pig
- 1.32 Lost Expedition
- 1.33 Matters of the Heart
- 1.34 Memories
- 1.35 Mushrooming
- 1.36 Not a Barnacle
- 1.37 Piece of Mind
- 1.38 Sabotage!
- 1.39 Santa Claus Is Dead
- 1.40 Scripture
- 1.41 Slimetown
- 1.42 Smells Like Survival
- 1.43 Sometimes You Get Lucky
- 1.44 Steel
- 1.45 The Beacon
- 1.46 The Beautiful Game
- 1.47 The Fields of Annonaria
- 1.48 The Forgotten
- 1.49 The Games We Used To Play
- 1.50 The Herald of Woe
- 1.51 The Heretic
- 1.52 The Last Sacrament
- 1.53 The Mines
- 1.54 The Renegade
- 1.55 The Reshaping of Animals
- 1.56 The Signal
- 1.57 The Swarms
- 1.58 The Temple
- 1.59 They Were Always Here
- 1.60 Titan's Grasp
- 1.61 Twisted Twister
- 1.62 Union
- 1.63 Welcome to Hell
- 1.64 What Was Happening
- 2 Exploration events without choices
- 2.1 A Good Haul
- 2.2 A Voice in the Wilderness
- 2.3 Abandoned Haven (1)
- 2.4 Abandoned Haven (2)
- 2.5 Abandoned Haven (3)
- 2.6 Abandoned Haven (4)
- 2.7 Abandoned Haven (5)
- 2.8 Abandoned Military Base (1)
- 2.9 Abandoned Military Base (2)
- 2.10 Abandoned Military Base (3)
- 2.11 Abandoned Military Base (4)
- 2.12 Abandoned Military Base (5)
- 2.13 An Injury to All
- 2.14 Cold Dead Hands
- 2.15 Echoes of the Fall
- 2.16 Family Gathering
- 2.17 Flash Bang
- 2.18 Forgotten Saviors
- 2.19 Gone
- 2.20 Halleck's Legacy
- 2.21 Holed Up
- 2.22 Home Improvement
- 2.23 In the Ruins
- 2.24 Jonlan's Rest
- 2.25 Juicy!
- 2.26 Just Too Late
- 2.27 Lost Lifetimes
- 2.28 Maps of the World
- 2.29 Mmm, Botulism!
- 2.30 Only A Model
- 2.31 Nature's Triumph
- 2.32 Remains
- 2.33 Run Aground (coastal site)
- 2.34 Tent City
- 2.35 The Basement of Brilliant Ideas
- 2.36 The Bridge
- 2.37 The Doomed Kingdom
- 2.38 The Factory
- 2.39 The Golden Age
- 2.40 The Instruments of Freedom
- 2.41 The Junkyard
- 2.42 The Orrery
- 2.43 The Towering Incompetence
- 2.44 The Truck
- 2.45 This Place is Death
- 2.46 War
- 2.47 What's Left Behind
- 2.48 Wheels
- 3 Anu Haven Events
- 3.1 A Good Day
- 3.2 Careful Now
- 3.3 Convictions
- 3.4 Cut Off
- 3.5 Epic Poetry
- 3.6 Exposure
- 3.7 Faith in Transformation
- 3.8 Faithless
- 3.9 Feed the Hungry
- 3.10 Folk Heroes
- 3.11 From the Shadows
- 3.12 Haunted
- 3.13 Idols
- 3.14 Inner Workings
- 3.15 Maps of the Earth
- 3.16 Not Dead Yet
- 3.17 Number One Fan
- 3.18 Pernicious Precipitation
- 3.19 Rite of Giving
- 3.20 Rite of Hope
- 3.21 Rite of the Black Star
- 3.22 Rite of the Clear Sky
- 3.23 Rite of the Crimson Moon
- 3.24 Rite of the Luminous Deep
- 3.25 Rite of Trust
- 3.26 Sabotage!
- 3.27 Safe Haven
- 3.28 The Exarch Blues
- 3.29 The Old World
- 3.30 The Waters of Life
- 3.31 Unto Him That Is Ready to Perish
- 3.32 What's Ahead
- 4 New Jericho Haven Events
- 4.1 And Taking Names
- 4.2 Anywhere But Here
- 4.3 Big Damn Heroes
- 4.4 Chicken Broth for the Apocalypse
- 4.5 Common Cause
- 4.6 Curiosity
- 4.7 Ex Aqua
- 4.8 Fire from the Sky
- 4.9 Flight of the Sinister Ducks
- 4.10 Full House
- 4.11 Further Developments
- 4.12 Infection
- 4.13 Just Deserts
- 4.14 Loyalty
- 4.15 Misty Days
- 4.16 Pandoran Realism
- 4.17 Reciprocity
- 4.18 Royal Flush
- 4.19 Shadows
- 4.20 Sic Transit Vanadium
- 4.21 Starvation
- 4.22 Symes and Portents
- 4.23 The Bright Future
- 4.24 The Cause
- 4.25 The Helios Event
- 4.26 The Lost
- 4.27 The Truth Is In There
- 4.28 The Truth Is Out There
- 4.29 Treason
- 4.30 True Grit
- 4.31 Unknown Soldiers
- 4.32 Wounded
- 5 Synedrion Haven Events
- 5.1 A Scanner Brightly
- 5.2 A Time of Tragedies
- 5.3 An Oral History of the Pandoravirus
- 5.4 Bacchanalia
- 5.5 Broken Dreams
- 5.6 Building Democracy
- 5.7 Cerebral Accelerationism
- 5.8 Extraction
- 5.9 Fungal Crisis
- 5.10 Fury
- 5.11 Matters of Faith
- 5.12 Nature's Dominion
- 5.13 Our Past and Future
- 5.14 Outvoted
- 5.15 People's Front of Synedrion
- 5.16 Phoenix Project: The Game
- 5.17 Reconstruction
- 5.18 Reshaping the World
- 5.19 Sharing Knowledge
- 5.20 Shepherding Evolution
- 5.21 Skin Off My Back
- 5.22 Tentaclisticle
- 5.23 The A Word
- 5.24 The Accused
- 5.25 The Light of the Phoenix
- 5.26 The Measure of a Crab
- 5.27 Waiting Game
- 5.28 Warm Welcome
- 5.29 What Could Have Been
- 5.30 Who We Were
- 5.31 Winds of Change
- 5.32 Yearning to Breathe Free
- 6 Research reactions with choices
- 7 Research reactions without choices
- 7.1 The Weapon
- 7.2 Victory by Understanding
- 7.3 Control
- 7.4 Know Thy Enemy
- 7.5 By our hand
- 7.6 Beyond the human
- 7.7 The Hound of Anu
- 7.8 It's a Bird... It's a Plane...
- 7.9 Marching On
- 7.10 The Walls of Jericho
- 7.11 Limits
- 7.12 The Philosopher-King
- 7.13 Liberty
- 7.14 The Book of Lies
- 7.15 Far from the Flood
- 7.16 The Foundation of Freedom
Exploration events with choices
A Handful of Dust
The [AircraftName] has discovered the ruins of New Babylon, a city-state founded by a schismatic sect that broke off from the Disciples of Anu two years ago. Unlike the Disciples, who see the Pandoravirus as a challenge that must be overcome via evolution, the schismatics believed that all mutations were secretly beneficial and humanity must embrace them without question. When they left their old havens, they took many sacred relics that the Disciples would like to have returned.
These relics largely consist of mutated human remains: the bones of Anu martyrs, who died in the struggle for a more evolved humanity. But New Jericho takes a different view: these relics are actually dangerous bioweapons and potential sources of infection, and ought to be destroyed.
Return the relics
The Disciples are deeply grateful for the return of their sacred artifacts, reminders of the long journey they have been on. "Perfection cannot be reached in a day," as a popular Anu saying goes, "but those who have hope can glimpse it beyond the sunset."
To express their thankfulness, they send us a shipment of valuable supplies.
TECH +40, MATERIALS +75, FOOD +275, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3.
Burn the ruins and the relics with them
New Babylon burns. The so-called relics will be reduced to ashes, as they should be. These people were not martyrs, they were mutants. Maybe the flames will bring some kind of purity back to this place.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -5.
A Luxurious Apocalypse
Our operatives have discovered what can only be described as a luxury shelter: an underground facility so extravagant it beggars belief. It has multiple swimming pools, a gym, a sauna, a cinema, even a dedicated VR room. The only thing it doesn't have is people.
Dismantle the lighter equipment and install it in our facilities
Entertainment is rare in this dark and miserable world, but nothing could be more necessary. Faced with the relentless horror of the Pandoravirus, our operatives often struggle to maintain their sanity, and having access to films and games helps them forget about what they've seen, if only for a little while.
These decadent luxuries are symbols of the old world. Destroy them
An obsession with superficial luxuries at the expense of meaningful growth was how the world ended up such a mess in the first place. It's not a coincidence that this shelter is empty. Better to destroy it and focus on true self-improvement.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +4
Donate the equipment to New Jericho
A representative of New Jericho thanks us for our donation, which will be used to improve their training facilities.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4
Donate the equipment to Synedrion
A representative of Synedrion thanks us for our donation, which will be used to improve their entertainment centers. They are particularly grateful for a copy of the Complete Tarkovsky Filmography found in the shelter.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +4
Our operatives have discovered an unsettling sight: on a hill near the ruins of a burned-down haven, eight New Jericho soldiers have been beheaded. Their heads, still wearing their helmets, have been placed on spikes. It's impossible to know what happened here, but it can't have been good.
Inform New Jericho of our discovery
A message from New Jericho thanks us for the information and asks us to bury the soldiers' remains. There is no comment as to what the soldiers may have been doing.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4
Hey, free helmets!
Whatever happened here, it's all over now. The dead soldiers won't mind their helmets being reused.
3 New Jericho Heavy Helmets received
Inform the other factions of our discovery, suggesting New Jericho committed an atrocity here
An official statement from New Jericho disavows any responsibility for the actions of these soldiers, who are said to have gone AWOL weeks ago, and blames the Phoenix Project for deliberately inflaming tensions.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -7, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +6, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Synedrion's attitude to New Jericho -7, Disciples of Anu's attitude to New Jericho -7.
At Peace
The [AircraftName] has encountered a large group of Anu pilgrims following the Path to the Hesychastic Ziggurat, a nearby sacred site said to bring peace and oneness with the Dead God. Despite the extreme danger of such travel, they are only lightly armed.
Accompany them
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project must be higher than -25 for this option.
The pilgrims are a merry lot, and at our offer of assistance, they spontaneously break into song. Making so much noise seems quite foolish, but by the time they've arrived at the Hesychastic Ziggurat, it's hard not to admit that they understand this world and know how to move within it. We might actually be able to learn a lot just by watching them.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Player receives 30 Skill Points.
Let them go
The pilgrims seem unconcerned by our lack of assistance. They're at ease with their surroundings.
Behind the Walls
The [AircraftName] has landed in the remains of a gated community. Judging from the design, this place was built in the early days of the Second Mist, when the upper classes abandoned the cities. The place seems to be in relatively good shape, if somewhat overgrown. Perhaps there are survivors?
The more our operatives investigate, the stranger the situation gets. It's not entirely clear, but evidence seems to suggest that the inhabitants of the gated community actually killed each other following a dispute about an inheritance. The turrets, meant to defend the compound's walls, are turned towards the inside, and the lush gardens are full of shattered skeletons. The only thing really worth scavenging is the VR entertainment system.
TECH +165
There is not likely to be anything of interest here.
Buried Treasure
Our operatives have discovered something of a treasure trove: an old underground lab full of functional tech. Unfortunately, the structural integrity of the facility is severely compromised. Deep cracks in the walls suggest collapse is imminent.
It would be possible to reinforce the facility to buy us enough time to retrieve all the tech, but it would be costly.
It's worth it. Retrieve the tech (-50 Materials)
Costs 50 MATERIALS. The operation proves exactly as complicated as expected, but also just as lucrative. Our operatives managed to retrieve so much tech from the old lab that it barely fits in the [AircraftName].
TECH +190
Tempting, but a waste of resources
Not every treasure is worth pursuing, and greed can be dangerous. We'll have to get our tech elsewhere.
Cetus (coastal site)
While following an odd trail, our operatives have discovered a huge but non-hostile mutant. The creature, once a bowhead whale, is slowly, painfully pulling itself along on enlarged but fragile centipede-like legs growing along the sides of its body. It appears to be in some distress.
Put the creature out of its misery
The creature's thick skin makes it hard to kill, but after a few shots to the head, it finally stops moving. Whether this was an act of mercy or not is hard to tell, but as one last, heavy breath escapes the creature's broken body it is difficult not to feel sorry for it.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4
Transport it to the sea (-10 Tech)
Transporting the whale-thing back to the sea is a major logistical challenge, and dangerous to boot. It's not even certain whether the creature can survive in the water. But all doubts are laid to rest when it finally, triumphantly bursts up from beneath the waves. The oceans may no longer belong to us, but it would appear that not every link is severed... at least not yet.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +7, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -4
Leave the creature where it is
The whale-thing continues to crawl, oblivious to the moral dilemmas of the tiny apes that surround it.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -2
Dead Town
An abandoned town, a remnant of the old world. The kind of place where children grew up, went to school, got jobs and grew old. A search of the buildings is like picking over the dead, but needs must. We might find some things we can use.
Search the area
A small cache of resources has been found.
Leave the place undisturbed
Leaving the dead where they are is all very well, but sometimes a sacrifice has to be made. We can only hope we won't regret this decision later when we're in need of food and supplies.
Death Is A Highway
Our operatives have set down beside a ruined highway. There are hundreds of burned-out cars and trucks lying all over the place. Nature is busy reclaiming the concrete and tarmac. It looks like people were trying to live here for a while. We should look around. There might be some stuff left over that we can use.
Search the area
Our operatives have discovered a small cache of resources in a makeshift shelter between two trucks.
Leave the place undisturbed
Do No Harm
Our operatives have located an abandoned field hospital. This is an unremittingly depressing place where lives were lost in unimaginable agony during the days of the Second Mist. It probably contains useful supplies, but entering it will take a toll on our people.
Search the site
Our operatives return with the resources they could scavenge. None of them wishes to discuss what they've seen.
TECH +25, MATERIALS +190, FOOD +225, Stamina -10.
Let's stay away
Our operatives see enough horrifying things already, they don't need more.
Dulce et Decorum est
An eerie sight awaits our operatives at this location: hundreds of tanks stand abandoned on a crumbling road. No battle was ever fought here; the weapons of the past were designed to kill fellow human beings, not to withstand a shapeless, relentless alien mist.
To New Jericho, the soldiers who fought here were heroes worth remembering, even though they were let down by corrupt, foolish governments. To Synedrion, they were victims of a decaying political system that could only resolve its problems with violence. To the Disciples of Anu, they are an embodiment of the abominations of the old world. The question is: what are they to us?
Build a memorial that portrays them as heroes (-50 Materials)
The memorial to the fallen is inscribed with the words of the poet Joseph Morland: "War is truly noble / Death is finally glorious / Failure is assuredly honorable / Only when the cause is our humanity." Perhaps it will give people hope, and inspire them to keep fighting.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +6, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -2, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -2
Build a memorial that portrays them as victims (-20 Materials)
The memorial to the fallen is inscribed with the words of the poet Nadia Kammerer: "Ask not the blind giant / Why he crushes the people / Ask why we pay tribute / To a blind, fallen god." Perhaps it will inspire people to approach the struggle against the Pandoravirus in a more complex way.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +6, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3.
Build a memorial that portrays them as fools
The memorial to the fallen is inscribed with a quote from the Gospel of the Exalted, Chapter 3: "Here were written the names of all of Man's cities, and all his nations; and all were dust and memories. No glory could last, no empire endure, for within Man was the seed of destruction, and all his creations were imperfect." Perhaps it will make people understand that they must change themselves before they can change the world.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +7, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -4, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -3.
Let these machines of death rot
There is no need to obsess over the failures of the past. If they couldn't defeat the Pandoravirus then, how can they help us defeat it now?
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3
In what appears to have once been a textile factory, our operatives have discovered hundreds of mummified bodies covered in a thin film of mucus. It is unclear whether this mucus was deposited on the bodies by an external source or whether it was excreted during the process of mummification.
Representatives of the Disciples of Anu demand that the bodies of the "martyrs" be turned over to them for study, while New Jericho demands that the bodies be destroyed to prevent infection.
Allow the Disciples to study the bodies
The Disciples thank us for protecting the bodies of the martyrs from the heathens at New Jericho and reward us for our good deed.
FOOD +375, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +4
Demolish the building, burying the bodies
We receive a message of thanks from New Jericho. They're glad that we have the sanity to look at a bunch of mummified bodies and see a health risk, not objects to be worshipped, and they're not averse to expressing their thankfulness in material terms.
MATERIALS +400, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3.
Fighting Fire with Fire
Good work! The progress we've made with your help has been tremendous. This is really encouraging. I do wonder sometimes, though... do you think a weapons-based approach is the right solution? I had thought the Phoenix Project was looking for something more subtle. Do you ever worry that a military solution to the Pandoran plague will leave us living on a dead planet?
West knows what he's doing.
Well, I hope you're right. ANd I do think West knows what he's doing. Sometimes it's hard, I guess, not knowing what the plan is. West talks a lot about reason, but sometimes we also need faith.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +5
TECH +125
FOOD +250
The Phoenix Project isn't interested in mutually assured destruction.
Indeed. Humanity needs to survive, but to do that we have to put everything on the line. I don't envy West, or you... the responsibility must be crushing.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +2
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +2
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +2
TECH +75
FOOD +250
Flowers for the Dead
Our operatives have set down on the edge of a town abandoned and picked clean long ago. The nearest building appears to be a crematorium. The backroom is piled up with bodies as if people brought their dead to the place and just left them here. Pink, meaty flowers are growing from the mummified corpses, swaying even though there's no wind.
Search the crematorium
Looks like this is the only place that didn't get ransacked, probably because of the nauseating smell given off by the flowers, which is so intense it actually makes our operatives retch.
MATERIALS +115, FOOD +115, Stamina -10.
The smell of the flowers is too nauseating. Better to stay away.
Fun Games and Killer Clowns
Our operatives have set down near an old amusement park. The rides are rusted and overgrown with weeds and brush. The landing zone is pretty small and it will take quite an effort to explore the location around the aircraft. With no sightlines, it could be pretty dangerous, too.
Additionally, as one of our operatives points out, this is precisely the sort of place best avoided in horror movies.
Take off and leave the location undisturbed
Some might think this was a cowardly choice, but who needs mutated killer clowns in a post-apocalyptic amusement park?
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -1.
Clear a path and search the fun fair
It turns out that there are no Pandoran killer clowns in the amusement park, but there are plenty of broken railings and unstable roofs. Recovering the useful bits of machinery is quite hazardous.
TECH +65, MATERIALS +190, Stamina -10.
Fungus Humongous
Our operatives have encountered a New Jericho scientific expedition. The expedition has discovered a unique mutation of Pilobolus crystallinus in an abandoned commune's composting facility. The individual fungi are almost twenty times as large as the unmutated variety; when expelling spores, they do so with enough force to penetrate armor.
The expedition has begun preparations for burning the facility.
Petition to study the fungi first (-15 Tech)
While New Jericho disapproves of allowing the fungi to continue existing, even for a limited time period, they accede to our demands. The data collected by our operatives proves to be highly interesting and potentially useful in our own R&D.
Research +125
Help them burn the facility
The world doesn't need more dangerous mutations. The facility goes up in flames.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3
Steal samples and donate them to the Disciples of Anu
Our actions have angered New Jericho, but the Disciples are grateful for the donation, which may help them better understand the transformation the world is undergoing, and how to make use of it for human ends.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -6, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +4.
Let them burn the facility
Another threat to humanity has been eliminated, thanks to New Jericho.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4
Ghost Ship (coastal site)
Our operatives have located the wreck of a beached ship. The Mortzestus was a cargo vessel registered in San Francisco which mysteriously disappeared in the Sargasso Sea in 2026. How it ended up here is anyone's guess; the captain's log is nothing but mad scrawls, and the ship's interior is covered in a sticky, translucent membrane. The wind echoes weirdly down its corridors, distorted into an eerie moaning by the membrane. The cargo appears to be intact.
Retrieve the cargo
The cargo is indeed intact, but some of it is quite badly stuck in the membrane. Getting it out is exhausting, and once it's done, our operatives get out of there as quickly as possible. There's something unsettling about this ship.
Get out of here
The Phoenix Project is a science organization, not a ghost-busting outfit. Not that ghosts exist. It's just that our operatives would rather be doing something else.
Growth Spurt
At the site of what used to be a lake, our operatives discover an unsettling sight: the entire surface of the water is overgrown with a thick layer of what appears to be dry, flaky skin. In the middle of the lake is a large orifice which pumps out a sticky, greenish liquid that has formed a small river.
A Synedrion science team led by Dr. Amanda Barlow has set up camp nearby. "I've never seen anything like it," she says. "And while I'm all in favour of life and science and all that, my personal inclination is to nuke the site from orbit. If only we had nukes and spaceships."
Dynamite the site (-5 Tech and -35 Materials)
Explosions rip the skin to shreds, exposing the viscous liquid underneath. Our team takes several samples, as does Dr. Barlow's, but for the moment it remains unclear whether or not any of this has been helpful. Perhaps we have killed whatever this organism was, but it's just as possible that the skin will just grow back.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3
Contribute to Dr. Barlow's research (-20 Tech)
I guess we'll keep studying this... whatever this is," Dr. Barlow says with a resigned shrug. "Maybe we'll figure out what it does, maybe not. Maybe it doesn't do anything and the Pandoravirus is just insane. Who knows? Anyway, I'll make sure all the data we retrieve is shared with the Phoenix Project.
Research +95, value w+1.
Do nothing
"I don't blame you," Dr. Barlow says with a weary shrug. "We live in a messed-up world and nothing makes sense anymore."
Hard Justice
Our operatives land near a cluster of burned-out vehicles. There's been a fight here, recently by any guess, perhaps in the last week or so. On the ground, there are corpses that were tied up and left. These people were survivors, but on the losing side. They were left to die of starvation, lying in the dirt.
Search the wreckage and the corpses
It's grizzly work at times, but resources mean survival.
Search everything, but take time to bury the dead
Burying the dead may only be of symbolic value, but we need to cling to any shreds of decency we have left as a species.
TECH +20, MATERIALS +315, Stamina -10, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3
Heads Up, A Head Ahead
Our operatives have discovered a large, screaming head which appears to have grown on top of an old warehouse. The head is only vaguely human, and in some ways resembles a very large pumpkin. Its eyes bulge and drip with a viscous, pus-like fluid. Stalks resembling antennae grow from its balding pate.
It appears to be screaming the same word over and over, something like "yooglog" or "noo-kot" in a variety of intonations."
Destroy the head and search the warehouse (-10 Tech)
Destroying the head proves more difficult than anticipated. Its thick skin is almost impervious to gunfire, and it takes a strong explosive shoved into its mouth to do the trick. Everyone is relieved but also disgusted as pieces of head-pumpkin rain down onto the [AircraftName]. The warehouse has not been looted and contains some useful resources.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +5
Just search the warehouse
The warehouse has not been looted and contains some useful resources, but the head's incessant screaming is very disturbing. After a while, its effect is almost hypnotic.
MATERIALS +75, FOOD +150, Stamina -10.
Contact the Disciples of Anu
The Disciples send a team to investigate and promise to share any interesting findings. They are thankful for being alerted to the existence of this cephalic novum, whether it turns out to be sacred or just an aberration.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +5, Research +65.
We should head off
Whatever this thing is, we don't want to be near it.
Horror from the Deep (coastal site)
Our operatives have located the wreck of a beached ship. It's eerily familiar... because it's the Mortzestus, the ship that disappeared in the Sargasso Sea in 2026 and was rediscovered by our operatives not so long ago! How could it possibly have gotten here?
As our operatives start climbing on board, the entire ship begins to violently shake, and they are thrown off. With a horrifying howl, the ship begins to glide back into the sea, leaving a trail of luminescent mucus behind it.
Soldiers lose 30 HP.
Get the hell out of here
Thanks but no thanks. Our operatives are brave, not stupid. As far as they're concerned, the creepy ghost ship can quite literally get in the sea.
Hot Stuff
The [AircraftName] has landed less than a kilometer away from a huge fire. It looks like an entire abandoned village is burning. A few buildings at the edge of the blaze could still be searched, although it's risky.
Brave the flames
The buildings are overgrown with some kind of mutated lichen that smells intensely of sulfur; it reacts explosively to fire. Our operatives retrieve as many resources as possible before the fire gets too close.
TECH +75, MATERIALS +175, Soldiers lose 30 HP.
This risk is not worth taking.
How Do You Like Them Apples
The [AircraftName] has landed in an open field next to rows and rows of apple trees. The buildings nearby have been abandoned and the whole place has been neglected for quite a while.
Initial testing on the apples indicates that they are unfit for human consumption, as they have been affected by the Pandoravirus. While they look normal on the outside, on the inside they contain internal organs closely resembling those of a crab.
Forget the apples and search the area
A nearby abandoned farmhouse contains a few things we could use.
Inform the Disciples of Anu
The Disciples send someone to investigate the potential of these literal crabapples. They might open up entirely new culinary possibilities! After all, how can humanity adapt to the new ecosystem without finding ways to enjoy it?
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +5, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3.
Disgusting. Burn the place down
These abominations should not be allowed to keep infesting our planet. Every last one of these trees will be burned.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -5.
It Is Coming (needs value w higher than 3)
Our operatives have discovered a massive growth that seems to feature several elements that had previously been observed growing separately: a web of human hearts, connected to a series of tubes that resemble stitched-together pigs, which lead to purple, pulsating lakes covered in flaky skin, topped off with long, quivering spinal columns that reach into the sky.
It's almost as if the Pandoravirus was running tests before, and this is the next step - or maybe the final result?
Study the growth (-20 Tech)
The growth is almost like a mechanism of some kind. It could even be compared to a haven - after all, it has a power source, a command centre, and even communications equipment. But it seems to be malfunctioning, and despite being unfinished in some places, it is no longer growing.
Perhaps the experiment has failed. Or succeeded somewhere else.
Research +190
Destroy it (-5 Tech, -20 Materials)
Whatever this is, it's clearly part of a greater plan, and disrupting that plan is our primary concern. So let's raze this abomination to the ground before it can get any bigger.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +6
Inform the Disciples
The Disciples do not declare this place a holy site; instead, a group led by an Anagnostes and a Skeuophylax arrives and immediately demolishes the whole thing on orders of the Exalted. They don't explain why, because they don't know, and don't need to.
"Understanding is not required," one of them says, quoting an ancient holy text, "only obedience."
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +5
Lad Land
Our operatives have discovered a theme park dedicated to the Lucrative Lads, a novelty boy band made up of young hedge fund managers, who enjoyed enormous success with their single "Golden Gecko" before crashing spectacularly when their second album failed to sell more than a hundred copies. The park, like the band itself, was initially thought to be intended ironically. It is unusually well-preserved.
"Rupert "Classy Lad" Caine, formerly of the band, now works as an analyst for New Jericho. In an urgent message, he pleads for us to destroy the park and not let anyone know about it.
"Mr West does not know about my history with the band," he says, "and I don't know what he would do if he found out I was part of something so... frivolous."
Set the park on fire
Given how much of this place is made of plywood, it's kind of a miracle that it hasn't burned down already. A bit of gasoline easily does the trick, and soon this abomination of the old world is finally gone.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3.
While there is no official comment from New Jericho, Rupert Caine's position appears to have been suddenly vacated.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3.
Dismantle the park for material
Half the park appears to be made of plywood, but there's at least a few bits and pieces we can repurpose.
Lake Placid
Our operatives have encountered a Synedrion scientific expedition. Its purpose is to analyze a small lake that has turned an odd shade of purple and seems to be pulsating with some inner force.
"I can't tell whether this is a single organism or some kind of colony," Dr. Grigorovich, one of the expedition's scientists, tells our operatives. "Of course, that distinction might not really apply to something created by the Pandoravirus. In any case, we could use some help from the experts."
Help Dr. Grigorovich analyze the lake
The lake is actually a colloid hydrogel consisting of unknown multicellular organisms (the source of the light) and water. Small animals get trapped in it and are then digested by the organisms. The hydrogel has many interesting applications in our scientific projects.
Research +125, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, value w+1.
Cover the damn thing in concrete
Whatever it is, the world doesn't need more of it, so let's concrete the damn thing over and make sure no one else has to deal with it. Dr. Grigorovich may be disappointed, but safety is more important than curiosity.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -3.
Inform the Disciples of this potential holy site (needs rep higher than 0 with Anu)
We are informed that an Anagnostes has been dispatched to determine the nature of the lake and whether it bears the marks of the Dead God. Dr. Grigorovich's team has been asked to leave the area as a matter of religious tolerance.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Synedrion's attitude to Disciples of Anu -4,value w+1.
This is Synedrion business
Dr. Grigorovich will have to continue his analysis himself. The lake seems too trivial an issue for the Phoenix Project to get involved with right now.
Lay of the Land
The AircraftName has encountered a New Jericho scouting expedition. They're producing detailed maps of the region.
"We gotta think big," Commander McGrath explains. "Can't just sit around in our havens and hope this'll blow over. We need to know the lay of the land. It's our damn planet, after all. And you know what they say: the devil's in the details."
"Sure, no problem," McGrath nods. "The more eyes we get on this, the better."
Sites added to Geoscape: 4 Exploration. Site added to Geoscape: An Idle King (leads to Independent Haven mission "Thunder and Sunshine).
Pay for the data (-15 Tech, -30 Food)
"Alright," says McGrath, "that's a fair trade. Sending you everything we got so far."
4 sites revealed on Geoscape. One exploration, one independent haven and two scavenging sites.
We have our own scouts
McGrath wishes us good luck and goes back to his mapping interface.
Let's Go To The Mall
The [AircraftName] has landed on the outskirts of an abandoned town. There is a huge shopping complex here, built out of concrete and glass. The doors have been smashed, but most of the shops and goods are intact.
Search the mall
Wandering around is like going back in time twenty years or more. There's so much wealth here, it's hard to understand why so many people in the old world were poor.
This symbol of the old world should be destroyed
This mall gives form to the worst of all sins: greed. The people of the old world lost themselves in these places, never noticing what was happening around them. We should destroy it.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +5
Limpet Surge
Our operatives have discovered a military depot that could hold highly valuable supplies for our cause. However, the building is overgrown with enormous, mutated purple limpets, and they appear to be multiplying exponentially. The facility will soon be covered in so many layers of limpets that drilling through their shells will be nigh on impossible.
Let's do this while we can (-20 tech and -30 materials)
The process is boring and cumbersome, but eventually, our operatives manage to break through and recover the military equipment. Humanity 1, Limpets 0.
Stamina -10, Player obtains 3 Incendiary Grenades, 1 Gauss Assault Rifle, 1 Gauss Sniper Rifle and 1 Gauss Machine Gun.
This isn't worth the effort
The limpets keep growing. How strange and alien this world has become.
Listen Up
Our operatives have discovered a New Jericho listening post, used to spy on Synedrion and the Disciples of Anu. The facility is fully automated.
Demolish the listening post (-10 Tech and -25 Materials)
The facility is easily demolished, but our action has been observed and noted.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -5, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3.
Covertly sabotage the facility (-5 Tech and -25 Materials)
Destroying the listening post without being noticed is slightly more complicated, but this way our hand remains hidden.
Do nothing
The continued activity of the listening post will doubtlessly intensify the conflict between the factions as valuable information is intercepted and taken advantage of.
Synedrion's attitude to New Jericho -7, Disciples of Anu's attitude to New Jericho -6.
Long Pig
Our operatives are disturbed to report the discovery of what they describe as a "pig pipeline" - a bizarre growth resembling the stitched-together bodies of pigs, several miles long. It is unclear to what end the Pandoravirus created this organism, or why it recombined pig DNA to achieve its purpose. Perhaps the entire thing is an aberration.
Investigate it (-5 Tech)
At some point, it disappears into the ground. Readings suggest it may continue for several more miles in this fashion. Our operatives attach a number of sensors and take several samples. Perhaps some of the data thus collected will prove useful in our research.
Research +125, value w+1.
Burn it (-15 Materials)
It would be impossibly costly to burn the entire thing, so our operatives only set a section of it on fire. It writhes like a snake as it burns, and a dark brown liquid emerges with an awful gurgling sound. It smells of bacon.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4
Let it be. It's probably an error
Lost Expedition
Our operatives have discovered the broken remains of an experimental Synedrion mobile lab. Apparently, the vehicle suffered a containment failure; there are no signs of the crew, but some of the equipment could be salvaged.
Salvage the equipment without informing Synedrion
The research itself is sadly lost, but there are some useful parts that can be extracted from the lab.
TECH +375
Inform Synedrion regarding our discovery and give them the equipment
Dr. Hussein Habinek, a Synedrion scientist who helped design the lab, sends us a message of thanks. He had argued against deploying it so early but was outvoted.
"There is little pleasure to be had in being proven right about something so terrible," he says, "but at least we know what happened, and can learn from it."
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +5
Take everything useful, then inform Synedrion
Dr. Hussein Habinek, a Synedrion scientist who helped design the lab, sends us a message of thanks. He had argued against deploying it so early but was outvoted.
"There is little pleasure to be had in being proven right about something so terrible," he says. "I wish I knew what happened. I suppose it will always haunt me."
TECH +220, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +4
Matters of the Heart
Our operatives report that stretching across an entire valley is a field of human hearts, interconnected by thin strands of connective tissue and slimy, pulsating veins. The effect is deeply hypnotic, and looking at it for too long causes a strange feeling of one's own heart becoming synchronized to the beat.
Set up a monitoring station and collect data (-15 Tech and -50 Materials)
There seems to be a connection between the speed at which the hearts beat and the movements of nearby Pandoravirus creatures, but the hearts don't seem to be controlling the creatures. Is it possible that we're monitoring a monitoring station? Does this bizarre network represent some sort of analytical organ?
As usual, we are left with more questions than answers, but every clue counts.
Research +190,value w+1.
Try to sabotage the organism (-20 Tech)
Unfortunately, the organism is so enormous, and grows back so fast, that any attempt to destroy it seems doomed to fail. But perhaps we can gain some useful insights by observing its regeneration.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +6 Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Research +100,value w+1.
Let it be
While unsettling, the organism poses no immediate threat. Better to focus our efforts elsewhere.
While exploring a seemingly unremarkable ruin, our operatives stumble across a book half-hidden in a pile of rubble: an old copy of Olaf Stapledon's visionary novel Star Maker. It is unusually well-preserved.
Further investigation reveals what appears to be a collapsed library. Sealed off under the rubble, the books have remained almost completely undamaged. While not useful in our war against the Pandoravirus, these books represent a vital part of humanity's history. Would digging them out be worth it?
Yes, this is part of who we are (-10 Tech, -15 Food and -25 Materials
Digging out the books takes a surprisingly long time, but the bounty is rich, including the Complete Works of Doris Lessing, Robert Byron's The Road to Oxiana, and a worn copy of Arkady and Boris Strugatsky's The Final Circle of Paradise, long thought lost.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +6, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -4
No, humanity must embrace new ways
Perhaps in this new era, the past should be left alone.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +5
This choice should be left to a future generation if we survive the war
Perhaps the best way of preserving these texts is to let them stay exactly where they are, safely underground, until one day this war is over and there is time for books once more.
The [AircraftName] has encountered a Synedrion scientific expedition. Led by Dr. Robert Laudan, its purpose is to investigate a large field of mushroom-like growths that release a cloud of spores upon contact. It's unclear whether this represents a new vector for infection or something more harmless, but Synedrion would like to know.
Assist Dr. Laudan's investigation (-50 Tech)
After gathering more data with the help of our operatives, Dr. Laudan comes to the conclusion that the spores do not contain any traces of the Pandoravirus. They are, however, highly poisonous, and could render areas uninhabitable with alarming speed. As such, the only logical conclusion is to destroy all the growths and hope they're the only specimen.
Research +150
Do not get involved
Not a Barnacle
Clinging to the ruins of an old library, our operatives have discovered a half-mad creature that resembles a barnacle with a human face. The creature, apparently the former head librarian, is still human enough to give them directions to its hidden treasure. They're rambling and confusing, but somehow quite interesting.
Follow the creature's directions
It's not easy to make sense of the creature's directions, but eventually, after a lot of effort, our operatives manage to find the stash where the librarian hid his favorite book - The Complete Works of James Joyce. A valuable find for humanity, and for those of our operatives who are into this sort of thing.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, 25 Skill Points.
Better not, this could be a trap
Safety is more important than the dream-quests of unknown barnacles.
Shoot the creature
Our operatives put the poor creature out of its misery. How addled its mind must have been by the Pandoravirus! A terrible fate for anyone, to live for so long in so inhuman a shape.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -4, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -2.
This creature is an oracle! Ask the Disciples to set down its wisdom
"Riverrun, past Eve and Adam’s, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodious vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs," begins the prophecy which is to become the sacred Book of the Barnacle, one of the most mysterious texts circulated amongst the Disciples of Anu.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3.
Piece of Mind
The [AircraftName] has landed at an unmarked and abandoned research base. Looks like this location was established in the last decade or so. The security fences are wrecked and the living areas have been picked clean, but there is a laboratory that appears to have been left alone.
Inside, in addition to the regular equipment one might expect in a lab, there is an extremely large nitrogen freezer containing a complete Arthron, its head neatly cut open.
The brain has been removed and hooked up to a makeshift device that resembles the offspring of a microwave oven and a satellite dish. It looks damaged.
Fix the device and retrieve the research data (-25 Tech)
Our operatives have fixed the device... probably. It's still not entirely clear what it does. Whoever built it was either a genius or a lunatic. Possibly both.
We now have access to many terabytes of fascinatingly incomprehensible data. Research +65
Dismantle the lab
We have no need for mad science, but we do need this equipment. Whatever these scientists were trying to accomplish with this strange setup, it's less important than what the Phoenix Project is doing now.
TECH +200, MATERIALS +100.
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0. Haven has a factory.
When our operatives arrive at [HavenName], the local Skeuophylax is busy trying to repair the haven's production facilities, which were recently damaged by what she suspects was an act of sabotage.
Offer assistance (-25 Tech, -35 Materials)
As it turns out, the problem wasn't sabotage, but squirrels. Yellowish-purple glowing squirrels with strange frills, possibly incorporating nudibranch DNA. They've gnawed away at a lot of the machinery, but once located, they are easy enough to remove.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +7, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +20.
Wish her well
The Skeuophylax shrugs and gets back to work. Despite her fancy title, she is an engineer at heart.
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +5, Factory is 25% damaged.
Sabotage the facilities even more
While the Skeuophylax is distracted, our operatives strategically disable some of the most important industrial machinery in [HavenName]. There will be suspicions, but no proof it was us.
Santa Claus Is Dead
The [AircraftName] has landed near an abandoned convoy of six trucks. Our operatives have searched the cargo containers and discovered that they were all carrying toys and games for children.
Disassemble the toys for parts
Quite a few of these toys contain elaborate mechanical parts. To think that such complicated tech used to be available to children! It really was a different world back then.
Distribute the toys to havens
Growing up in this broken world can't be easy; it's our duty to do what we can to make life easier for our children.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3.
Our operatives have set down in the middle of an abandoned town, right next to the local library. All of the buildings look empty.
Search the neighborhood
The library basement contains several crates full of useful resources. However, our operatives find that almost every book in the library itself has been ripped apart, the pages torn into fragments. The phrase "in his house, the dead god waits dreaming" has been scrawled all over the walls.
The library appears to have been set on fire, but the damage from the blaze is minimal. However, inside, our operatives find that almost every book has been ripped apart, the pages torn into fragments and the phrase "in his house, the dead god waits dreaming." written over and over again. With limited time available, our operatives are forced to return empty-handed.
Our operatives have discovered a warehouse full of useful resources. However, the warehouse, along with the town it stands in, is covered in a slimy, slippery algae-like growth that makes doing anything here tedious and exhausting.
Get the resources anyway
It's hard work and when it's over everyone's going to need a good shower, but the effort is worth it.
MATERIALS +625, FOOD +100, Stamina -10.
Just get whatever is easy to transport
Our operatives grab what they can and head back to the [AircraftName].
Protecting our operatives is more important than acquiring more resources.
Smells Like Survival
The [AircraftName] has set down outside an abandoned sewage treatment facility. Our operatives report that the smell is "so disgusting, we might have to invent a new scale."
Search the site
Scavenging up resources from a site like this is pretty awful work, but we need whatever we can get.
Our operatives have recovered all the resources they could find. They were attacked by a mutated flukeworm, but in the ends, the fumes were more dangerous than the mutant.
TECH +35, MATERIALS +315, Stamina -10, -30 Hit Points.
There are limits to what a Phoenix Project operative should have to do.
Sometimes You Get Lucky
Approaching the burned-out husks of a New Jericho convoy, our operatives are suddenly startled by a shout. From a rudimentary shelter dug out under one of the burned vehicles emerges a battered New Jericho technician, waving his arms and laughing.
Exhausted by the ordeal yet deeply grateful, the survivor offers to join the Phoenix Project.
Recruit him. We can always use more people
"This month has not turned out the way I'd expected it," he comments as he sits down in the [AircraftName], wiping the dirt from his face.
The player obtains one New Jericho technician soldier.
Send him back to New Jericho
The survivor is too relieved to be alive to really care about being rejected. We receive a message of thanks from New Jericho for returning their man.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4
Execute him
This is most likely an attempt to infiltrate our ranks. We will not fall for it.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -6, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -2
Our operatives have discovered an abandoned scrapyard which appears to have once been used as a refuge by a group of steelworkers. The workers heroically defended this location for years until hunger finally forced them to abandon it. Remarkably, they recorded their history by engraving it onto the large metallic plates they used to keep out the enemy.
These plates would be extremely useful as construction material, but representatives of Synedrion have asked us to preserve them as a source of inspiration for future generations.
Resources are resources. Recycle it all
We cannot afford to be sentimental about such things. Metal is metal, and images won't win this war.
MATERIALS +325, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -4, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +4
We must remember our history. Preserve them
If we remember those who fought, if their struggle inspires our own, then their deaths were not in vain. In this way, these works of art may help us win the war for humankind.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -4.
The Beacon
The [AircraftName] has flown over a flashing beacon. After landing, our operatives have approached the source of the signal. It's an old emergency searchlight, all that's left of some kind of camp out here in the middle of nowhere. There are blackened bones and bodies everywhere. This happened years ago, but it looks like there was one hell of a fight.
Search the area
A cache of resources has been found. MATERIALS +75, FOOD +150.
Leave the place undisturbed
The Beautiful Game
The [AircraftName] sets down on an old soccer pitch in the middle of an abandoned stadium. Long ago, people played sports here, before the world went to ruin.
Forget about scavenging and play soccer in the stadium
Sometimes it is good to remember what we're fighting for - not just to survive, but to live again. To have fun and enjoy life. A few snatched moments in this old monument to a forgotten game played by thousands and watched by millions are ones to remember.
25 Skill points received.
Search the stadium
Dismantling the few functional parts of the stadium feels strangely destructive, but at least our operatives will be bringing home a few things that we can use.
The Fields of Annonaria
The [AircraftName] has landed at the abandoned haven of Camp Annonaria. It looks like the place was evacuated in an orderly fashion. The haven's fields are covered in immense jelly-like growths that seem to feed on small insects.
Destroy the growths (-5 Materials)
Whatever these vile things are, the world is better off without them. Entombing them in concrete should keep them contained for the time being.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3.
Gift the growths to the Disciples of Anu
The Disciples of Anu are grateful for this unexpected contribution. By studying the way in which these organisms absorb nutrients, they can learn to improve their own farming techniques. This is another small step towards building a civilization that can survive on this rapidly-changing planet.
FOOD +625, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +7, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3
Study the growths
These organisms appear to attract insects by exuding a translucent, nectar-like substance. When the insects land on them, they get stuck and are slowly absorbed into the gelatinous material. DNA analysis suggests that although they share no phenotypical characteristics with flowers, these jelly-like growths are ultimately just highly-modified Earth plants.
Research +125, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +4.
The Forgotten
Our operatives have discovered the location of an abandoned lab. The doors appear to have remained sealed for at least twenty years. Unfortunately, it is impossible to ascertain the lab's purpose from the outside.
Break in (-35 Materials)
"The scientists who once worked in this lab are nothing but skeletons, starved to death long ago. It would seem they kept working to the end, trying to find a cure to the Pandoravirus.
As our operatives strip the base, they find a note left by the scientists. It's a short, simple message: "Make it all mean something."
TECH +150, Research +190, Stamina -10
Let it be
Perhaps it's best not to know what is in there. Our operatives will bury the lab, leaving its mysteries for another generation, should one ever come to pass.
The Games We Used To Play
What at first appears to be a bunker that might hide survivors turns out to be more of an archive: at some point before the collapse, someone used this facility to save an extensive collection of computer games for the long-defunct operating system DOS. Word of this discovery causes an unusual wave of nostalgia and excitement, culminating in requests from New Jericho and Synedrion for the material to be shared.
The enthusiasts of New Jericho are thankful for this precious artefact of old-world culture, which those anarchist hippies at Synedrion wouldn't know how to appreciate.
"They probably don't even know how to set up a sound card," the message from New Jericho notes.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4
The enthusiasts of Synedrion are grateful for this precious artefact of human ingenuity, which the crude militarists of New Jericho wouldn't be able to appreciate.
"Most likely they don't even know how to recreate the proper CRT look," the message from Synedrion notes.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3
Everyone is very pleased, and just for a moment, it seems like we could all get along.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, New Jericho's attitude to Synedrion +3, Synedrion's attitude to New Jericho +4.
The Herald of Woe
Our operatives set down near an abandoned industrial complex. As the [AircraftName] lands, a man comes out of the building and starts waving at our operatives. He introduces himself as Doctor Peter Keen. He looks half-starved and feverish, staring at anyone who comes near with wide eyes. "I need you to take it! Take all of it! I need to shed the bonds of the past, the mortal concerns of machines! Take everything, please!"
Accept his offer
"Why are you wasting time? I'm not telling you anything about my past! The past is irrelevant! Only the future matters and I can't get there whilst I'm weighed down with all this mortality! The guilt is everywhere! Take it! Take it away!" Our operatives accede to Doctor Keen's wishes and retrieve his gathered inventory of resources.
Apprehend Doctor Keen for treatment
Apprehending Doctor Keen is not easy. The man is unarmed but quickly turns feral, biting and scratching at anyone who gets near. Eventually, he runs away.
Our operatives enter the building he was in and find a cache of resources.
TECH +65, MATERIALS +690, Stamina -10.
Reject his offer
This seems like some sort of trap. Our operatives politely refuse.
As they depart, Doctor Keen remains on the ground below, waving at them and urging them to return. Eventually, he's just a little dot on the ground.
The Heretic
The [AircraftName] has landed near a small river and what looks to be an old fishing village. The village is abandoned, but suddenly a woman approaches our operatives. Her clothes are ragged and she is bleeding from the eyes, but she doesn't seem to notice. "You must leave an offering to the New God," she tells our operatives.
Ignore the woman and evacuate immediately
Better safe than sorry.
Make an offering (-10 Materials)
"Believers!" the woman shouts and grabs the hands of our operatives, raising them up. "I am your witness! These souls will be delivered into your bounty when the world ends!" She turns to each of the team. "Your time will come soon. The Great Worm devours the Earth and only the New God can save us!"
Then she runs away from them, leaping into the river and swimming to the far side. Our operatives, somewhat confused, search the rest of the village and retrieve what resources they can.
FOOD +75, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -2.
Ignore the woman and search the site
A search of the site reveals some useful resources, but the woman continues to get in their way, babbling about making an offering to "the New God." It seems that she is the last surviving member of a cult that split away from the Disciples of Anu a few years ago, claiming that the Exalted is a false prophet.
FOOD +45, Stamina -10.
The Last Sacrament
Our operatives have set down outside a large abandoned building. It appears to have been a temple or church of some kind. Inside, there are dead bodies, still sitting in chairs and on the floor. There is a decayed corpse at the front dressed in battered robes - some sort of priest to these people.
Search the site
This is unpleasant work. The place still smells of death, and there is a sense of violation, of our presence disturbing the peace of the dead.
MATERIALS +225, FOOD +40, Stamina -10.
Let the dead rest
These people came here to escape the horrors of the world. Maybe we should not disturb them.
The Mines
Our operatives have set down near an abandoned mining complex. The machinery has been left to rust and no sign of anyone, alive or dead. The place has been picked clean.
Searching the mine itself might yield better results, but after years of abandonment, it may no longer be stable.
Search the mining complex
There wasn't much to find, but we've recovered what we could. MATERIALS +40
Search the mineshaft
We have recovered useful resources from the mineshaft, but there was a small accident.
TECH +65, MATERIALS +190, 30 Hit Points lost.
Search the mines and the complex
The search was exhausting and there was a small accident in the mineshaft, but we have recovered several caches of useful resources.
TECH +120, MATERIALS +150, Stamina -10, 30 Hit Points lost.
Leave the place alone
Our operatives have returned to the [AircraftName] and are ready to leave.
The Renegade
Our operatives land near a cluster of vehicles. There's a group of refugees here, perhaps twenty or more. Their leader, a woman called Amma Erin, is cautious at first but greets our team with respect.
"Are you people with Isaiah Thompson? He came through here a few days back. Showed up at just the right time to help all these people. Said he'd send us someone to repair our vehicles."
Repair the vehicles (-15 Tech)
"Are you sure he didn't send you?" Erin asks. "Well, then we just got extra lucky, I suppose. Life is funny sometimes. One moment everything's going wrong, the next you run in several heroes on the same day. Here, you can have some of our supplies. Thompson left us more than we need."
FOOD +90
"Don't worry about us," Erin says. "We've already got a big damn hero on our side."
The Reshaping of Animals
The [AircraftName] has encountered what at first appears to be an Anu religious procession but is in fact a scientific expedition.
"We have come to seek understanding of the divine principles that guide the reshaping of animals," the Anagnostes leading the expedition tells our operatives. "To understand why claw replaces hand, why eye becomes stalk. It is only one step in a long road, of course, but how else will we reach enlightenment?"
Assist the expedition
The Anagnostes is grateful for our assistance.
"The Exalted has taught us that we cannot achieve anything that truly matters without cooperation," he says. "We need each other to survive, and all our understanding is built on the accomplishments of others. There is no other path to enlightenment. Therefore let us share in this knowledge together."
Research +65, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -4.
Sabotage the expedition
Any expedition to the world outside the havens is dangerous enough already. Making this one fall apart is as easy as damaging a few key instruments. No readings, no expedition.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -2.
Let them proceed
The expedition continues with its work. In the end, just like us, all they want is to make sense of the world.
The Signal
Our operatives report seeing a strange, spindly, quivering line on the horizon. When the [AircraftName] gets closer, they discover a gargantuan spinal column extending hundreds of meters into the sky. Rising up from a pool of mucus, it holds itself in place with an array of thin, near-transparent tentacles. It seems to emit a low hum.
Dynamite it
The explosion shatters the vertebrae and the entire column collapses, almost hitting the [AircraftName]. The tentacles ship madly for a while before the whole thing seems to finally die.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4
Study it
It almost seems like the whole thing is some kind of emitter. An organic communications array, perhaps? But to what end? Our operatives retrieve as much data as they can, but answers remain elusive.
Research +125, value w+1.
Let the Disciples know about this
The Disciples are very grateful for the tip. This could be a holy site of great significance, or at least an opportunity to learn more about the ways of the new world.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +4
The Swarms
Our operatives have set down near an abandoned farm. A quick search of the house and the grounds reveals that the place has been picked clean. There's a lot of flies around, some of them bigger than a human thumb. Our team is taking precautions.
There's a large barn around 200 meters from the main buildings on the property. It might be worth investigating.
Leave the barn undisturbed
This seems like an unnecessary risk. Our operatives depart.
Search the barn
The closer our operatives get to the barn, the more agitated the flies become, swarming in spiral patterns and throwing themselves against our operatives. It's not dangerous at present, but it is exhausting.
The barn contains a makeshift lab. One wall is covered by an enormous pulsating organism that seems to somehow control or affect the flies. Our operatives recover as much of the lab equipment as they can before getting out of there.
TECH +200, MATERIALS +100, Stamina -10.
The Temple
The [AircraftName] has detected an abandoned structure. On landing, our operatives have been able to identify it. Someone has constructed a huge metal spire, welding together hundreds of pieces of abandoned junk into this strange object that, at 20-30 meters in height, towers over the landscape around it.
Take off and leave the location undisturbed
Perhaps this is some sort of holy site. It seems wrong to destroy it. Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3
Ransack the structure for materials
With blood, sweat and heavy-duty cutting equipment our team manage to hack apart the structure. No one will ever know what it was for.
MATERIALS +565, Stamina -10, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +1
They Were Always Here
Our operatives have discovered an abandoned Phoenix Project microfiche archive. The building is almost entirely overgrown with pulsating yellow vines that are oddly reminiscent of long, headless moray eels. Trying to enter may result in injuries.
Search the site
Most of the microfiches are part of an archive documenting unsolved mysteries, created on the orders of Administrator Irina Semionova. Semionova was forced to quit her job after an intense conflict with the KGB in 1968, and the archive was never completed. The site languished until it was shut down by Administrator Fred Halleck in 1991.
The mysteries documented here may well represent older, isolated outbreaks of the Pandoravirus, and as such are invaluable to our scientists
TECH +100, MATERIALS +225, FOOD +125, Research +95, 30 HP lost.
Better stay away
Those yellow growths look dangerous. Perhaps this information can be recovered after the Pandoravirus has been defeated.
Titan's Grasp
This site is the location of The Titan's Grasp, an unsettling surrealist sculpture created by the artist Victoria Gutierrez. Hewn into a steep cliff and decorated with swirling patterns of onyx and lapis lazuli, it was the artist's masterpiece, and also her downfall. Claiming that the voices she heard were real, Gutierrez killed herself after completing her work, her suicide note consisting only of a single word scribbled over and over: YUKKOT.
This is obscene. Destroy it
This kind of mental corruption should not be encouraged. This sculpture is not an expression of the artist's beliefs but a manifestation of what killed her. To value it would be like valuing the Pandoravirus itself.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3.
Study the artwork. Perhaps Gutierrez had some kind of insight
While many critics dismissed Gutierrez as merely mad, there is far too much method to her madness for such a simplistic diagnosis. Unsettlingly, the shapes she depicted in such minute, swirling detail seem to be a close match for the behavior of the mist.
Research +125
Turn this into a place of worship (-25 Materials)
There is a great deal to be learned from the visions of Victoria Gutierrez: not only because of what she saw but because of how it affected her. We must learn to see as much as she did, or more, without letting it destroy us.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +5
Twisted Twister
The [AircraftName] has encountered a weather anomaly. On an otherwise clear day, a tornado that appears to consist of some kind of greenish gas is raging across the countryside. Such anomalous phenomena are the result of the planet's gradual change into an alien environment and would be worth studying, but there is a definite risk to our craft.
Study the anomaly
It's been a rough ride for our operatives on the [AircraftName], but the data they've collected is invaluable. Our planet is changing and we need to understand how.
Research +125. 40 HP damage to aircraft.
Stay away
This is just not worth the risk.
Speaking entirely for myself, an alliance between the Phoenix Project and New Jericho would bring together everything I've ever believed in. Please think about it.
New Jericho is the way forward.
Then I'm sure you will accept this little contribution, from a former operative.
TECH +150
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -5
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -4
We're still skeptical.
You've come this far. You can see that Tobias has a plan. Please don't lose faith now.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -5
Welcome to Hell
Our operatives have set down outside an old prison facility. The whole place is still locked up tight, but using some heavy cutting equipment our people have been able to get inside.
There are hundreds of corpses in here, all in various states of decomposition. The smell is terrible, but what's truly horrifying is to think that all these people were just left to die, not even given a chance to fight for their lives.
Take off and leave the location undisturbed
Our operatives experience enough horror on a daily basis already.
Search the prison
Our operatives brave the awful conditions and manage to gather up all the resources they can find. The worst find of all is that there was food in the storage rooms while people starved in their cells.
MATERIALS +115, FOOD +115, Stamina -10
What Was Happening
A heavily-fortified building explored by our operatives has turned out to be an abandoned "server farm" for the social media platform Plapper, which collapsed in the mid-2020s. Millions of short messages are archived here, documenting in detail the lives of the pre-war middle classes.
Is this information worth preserving, or should we just take all the spare parts we need?
Take what we need
Pre-apocalyptic hot takes are not exactly a valuable commodity. Our operatives take all the parts we need, the past be damned.
TECH +160
Preserve the information
Perhaps one day we can figure out why people thought snarky comments were going to prevent the apocalypse.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3
Just smash it all
This vile idiocy does not deserve to be remembered. Better to smash every single drivel-filled drive before such foolishness can infect us all again.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +6
Exploration events without choices
A Good Haul
Our operatives have set down at an abandoned industrial complex. This looks promising. Search the area. Nothing weird, just lots of useful resources.
A Voice in the Wilderness
Our operatives have discovered an abandoned Phoenix Project site. What appears to be no more than a small, nondescript shack in fact leads to a heavily-fortified underground nuclear bunker built in the 1940s. Here the Project stored much of its older archival materials, in addition to various oddities collected by its eccentric first Administrator, Randolph Symes. Search the bunker.
Sadly, a significant part of this archive seems to have been destroyed by mold. However, a number of highly valuable documents have survived, including several compilations of the Proceedings of the Phoenix Working Group, one of the Phoenix Project's predecessor organizations. These accounts of investigations conducted more than a century ago can give us new insights into how we approach our work today.
TECH +115, MATERIALS +175, FOOD +100, Research +125
Abandoned Haven (1)
No hostile forces have been detected, but there are probably some resources we can find here. Search the area.
A small cache of resources has been found. MATERIALS +40
Abandoned Haven (2)
No hostile forces have been detected, but there are probably some resources we can find here. Search the area.
A small cache of resources has been found. FOOD +90
Abandoned Haven (3)
No hostile forces have been detected, but there are probably some resources we can find here. Search the area.
A small cache of resources has been found. MATERIALS +75, FOOD +150.
Abandoned Haven (4)
No hostile forces have been detected, but there are probably some resources we can find here. Search the area.
A small cache of resources has been found. MATERIALS +175, FOOD +75.
Abandoned Haven (5)
No hostile forces have been detected, but there are probably some resources we can find here. Search the area.
A small cache of resources has been found. MATERIALS +625, FOOD +100.
Abandoned Military Base (1)
No hostile forces have been sighted as our transport flew over, but we should be cautious all the same. There are probably resources and supplies we can find here and use. Search the area.
A small cache of resources has been found. TECH +75, MATERIALS +175.
Abandoned Military Base (2)
No hostile forces have been sighted as our transport flew over, but we should be cautious all the same. There are probably resources and supplies we can find here and use. Search the area.
A small cache of resources has been found. TECH +200, MATERIALS +100.
Abandoned Military Base (3)
No hostile forces have been sighted as our transport flew over, but we should be cautious all the same. There are probably resources and supplies we can find here and use. Search the area.
A small cache of resources has been found. TECH +15, MATERIALS +375.
Abandoned Military Base (4)
No hostile forces have been sighted as our transport flew over, but we should be cautious all the same. There are probably resources and supplies we can find here and use. Search the area.
A small cache of resources has been found. TECH +25, MATERIALS +450.
Abandoned Military Base (5)
No hostile forces have been sighted as our transport flew over, but we should be cautious all the same. There are probably resources and supplies we can find here and use. Search the area.
A cache of resources has been found. TECH +75, MATERIALS +675.
An Injury to All
Our operatives have located an abandoned mining camp. The miners appear to have been killed not by Pandorans, but by entirely human security forces, most likely during one of the major strikes that occurred in the course of World War III. A number of banners detailing the miners' demands are still fluttering in the breeze, the writing bleached by the sun. Search the site.
Our operatives have recovered all the resources they could find. It looks like after the miners were killed, no-one ever came back here. A typically meaningless tragedy of the kind human history is full of.
Cold Dead Hands
[AircraftName] has flown over an abandoned village. Our operatives have set down near an old church. The graves have been disturbed. It's almost as if someone dug up all the bodies, or they came alive and ripped their way out of the ground. But that doesn't happen... does it? Search the village.
On further investigation, it turns out the bodies were dug up as part of some forgotten experiment. One of the houses in the village has been converted into a lab, and is full of human body parts fitted with cybernetic enhancements, preserved in some kind of embalming fluid. At least we know that the Pandoravirus hasn't started animating the dead.
Echoes of the Fall
Our operatives have discovered an abandoned Phoenix Project facility. The facility was part of the Phoenix Project's short-lived astronautics program, which ended with the disastrous Phoenix-2 mission to the Moon. The site was converted into a storage bunker in 1992 and appears to have remained untouched since some point in the early 2000s. Search the site.
All available resources have been recovered. Despite its history, this place really is little more than a warehouse now.
TECH +140, MATERIALS +240, FOOD +215.
Family Gathering
Our operatives have set down beside an old house, miles away from any other buildings. The whole place looks pristine. The lawn has been mown, the hedges trimmed, the fences painted a bright white, but there is no answer to our calls.
Our operatives break down the door of the home to find a family sitting in wooden chairs in the dining room. They are all dead. It looks like they expired only hours before our people got here. There's not a mark on any of them.
Search the house for anything we can use. There is an enormous larder with the food we can use.
FOOD +90
Flash Bang
Our operatives report that there's some kind of firefight going on in an old factory, with lots of small rocket ordnance going off. Investigate.
As it turns out, there is no firefight. This is an old fireworks factory. Something has disturbed the warehouse and all the stock is exploding. After waiting for the show to end, our operatives move in and salvage what's left.
Forgotten Saviors
The [AircraftName] has landed at an abandoned military base. This site is not on the old maps and databases. It looks like it was used to train and develop some sort of special operations unit dedicated to fighting the invaders. There is a lot of equipment here was can use. Search the site.
It's strange to wander about this place - they could have been us, or we could have been them.
Our operatives have located a broken-down military convoy. There are no survivors - or at least no bodies. There are no signs of a fight, either, but one of the vehicles is standing at a totally different angle than the rest. Search the vehicles.
All available resources have been recovered. As for what happened here, the truth is that we'll probably never know.
TECH +120, MATERIALS +515, FOOD +160
Halleck's Legacy
Our operatives have discovered an abandoned Phoenix Project facility. This is not a proper base, but only a small laboratory that was used to quickly analyze samples. It was shut down in 1989 on the orders of Fred Halleck, a bureaucrat who seemed intent on dismantling the Phoenix Project. Search the site.
There's not a lot left, but there are a few resources we could use.
Stuck to a broken-down refrigerator is a caricature of Halleck with the words "Dirty Fred's Dastardly Designs" underneath, presaging the scandal that ended Halleck's career. Some of the notes in the lab seem to hint at the possibility that Halleck's fall was engineered by Phoenix Project operatives.
TECH +115, MATERIALS +500, FOOD +100.
Holed Up
Our operatives have set down outside an abandoned supermarket. There might be supplies here that we can use. Search the site.
Our team found the remains of a camp inside the supermarket warehouse. It looks like people tried to live here for a while. However, there's no one left alive and very little we can use.
FOOD +40
Home Improvement
Our operatives have set down outside an abandoned shopping complex. It looks like the main building here used to be a hardware store. There's bound to be some items and materials that we can use. Search the site.
Other people had the same idea long before us, but luckily this was a big store and there's still a lot left.
In the Ruins
Passing over a destroyed town, our operatives detected a weak light shining from the top of a building. It's possible that one or more survivors have turned the top floor into a shelter. Investigate.
Our operatives have found a survivor. Exhausted but otherwise hale, the individual in question escaped the destruction of a nearby independent haven some time ago and holed up here, waiting for the creatures to move on. An experienced fighter, they would like to join the Phoenix Project.
One assault soldier joins the Phoenix Project.
Jonlan's Rest
Our operatives have set down outside what looks like a private estate. The perimeter fence has been forced and the security system destroyed. This place has been abandoned for years. Search the house.
Whoever lived here was making preparations for an apocalypse. There's a concrete bunker underneath the main part of the house. Inside, our operatives discover plenty of useful equipment and supplies.
At the back behind the house, there is a grave. The inscription reads "Here lies General Jonathan Jonlan, warrior and hero to the end."
TECH +200, MATERIALS +100.
Our operatives have discovered a former Phoenix Project site. An advanced genetics lab, intended to replace some of the Phoenix Project's ageing research infrastructure, it was shut down in 2019 and sold to a startup that produced 5G-compatible automated juice presses. Search the site.
There's nothing left of the Phoenix Project equipment that was sold along with the lab, but the half-finished Executive Relaxation Area that was being built in 2030, when the company's stock crashed, is easy to dismantle. There are also crates full of unsold juice packets, which oddly enough seem not to have expired.
TECH +50, MATERIALS +500, FOOD +100.
Just Too Late
Our operatives have set down in what appears to be a destroyed haven. There was a fight here, and it wasn't pretty. It looks like the people in the haven turned on each other. There are bodies everywhere.
No-one survived, or if they did, they are long gone. Search the haven.
Our operatives have recovered some resources, but found no indication of what caused the conflict.
Lost Lifetimes
Our operatives have set down near an abandoned village. Half of the houses appear to have slipped into a huge crack in the ground. Clearly, there's been an earthquake here in recent times. Search the village.
Our operatives report rotten food still on tables, dead people sleeping in their beds, and others who seem to have just collapsed in the street. There's no good explanation for what happened here. People just died. Perhaps this was the result of a limnic eruption or a similar phenomenon, but there's no time to find out. Our team managed to scavenge up some resources.
FOOD +90.
Maps of the World
The [AircraftName] has discovered an old factory that seems to have been temporarily used as the headquarters of a military recon unit of some kind. What's happened to them is unclear, but they've left behind a wealth of information. Recover geographical data. This information should come in handy.
2 Scavenging sites revealed. 1 Independent Haven revealed.
Mmm, Botulism!
Our operatives have set down outside an abandoned supermarket. There might be supplies here that we can use. Search the site.
Most of the fresh and frozen food rotted years ago, but there are still shelves full of canned goods. Some of these may still be edible. Our operatives have gathered up whatever they can.
FOOD +90.
Only A Model
Our operatives in the [AircraftName] have discovered what looks like an abandoned town. But it actually isn't a town at all. The roads are too perfect, the houses too empty. According to the archives, this is a test site for automated vehicles.
Search the site. There are some spare parts here that we could use.
Nature's Triumph
Our operatives have discovered the Grand Temple of the Pan-Cosmic Ostara, a compound belonging to a Nature-worshipping cult that arose in the late 2010s. It's hard to tell whether the compound is occupied, as the cultists rejected electricity as unnatural and refused to perform any repairs on buildings they owned.
The compound houses over one hundred beds, and there is a decayed corpse in every one of them, each with a plastic bag wrapped around its head to symbolize ecological disaster. It seems the Ostarans followed through on their belief that humanity was a virus by committing mass suicide. There is nothing of any value here. Leave.
Our operatives have located an abandoned military outpost. It is unclear which nation's military it belonged to since this region's government fractured heavily during World War III. Search the site.
All available resources have been recovered. No additional information regarding the site itself has come to light.
TECH +65, MATERIALS +375, FOOD +225.
Run Aground (coastal site)
[AircraftName] has flown over an abandoned cargo tanker. It appears to have ended up beached inland. Set down and investigate. Our operatives have managed to ransack the ship for parts and equipment we can use.
Tent City
The [AircraftName] circles a huge gathering of tents and other temporary shelters. Our operatives set down to find this massive camp totally abandoned. It looks like it was once some kind of aid base administered by the Red Cross, the Red Crescent or the United Nations. There is no one left alive. Search the encampment
Hours of trawling through ruined tent after ruined tent take their toll on our operatives. It is hard to scavenge through the remains of people's lives, a grim reminder of all that we lost.
MATERIALS +200, FOOD +75, Stamina -10.
The Basement of Brilliant Ideas
Our operatives set down in a small town far from other population centers. A house-to-house search reveals one place with a trapdoor in the floor. There is an entire bunker under the house. Looks like someone was preparing for an apocalypse. Search the bunker.
The bunker is fully functional and well-stocked, but its single occupant seems to have perished from the effects of regularly ingesting bleach. Our best guess is that this was part of some kind of religious ritual.
The Bridge
Our operatives have set down on a bridge in the middle of nowhere. It looks like a group of people tried to start up a haven here, building out from underneath the bridge. But the construction has been left unfinished; either these people were killed, or they decided to move on. Search the site.
There's not much left, but something is better than nothing.
The Doomed Kingdom
Our operatives have set down in what looks like an abandoned compound. The concrete walls have been breached and there are old bloodstains all over the grey cement. Search the site.
An old journal found by one of our operatives suggests this was an independence movement. By all accounts, the people who lived here declared themselves a country and tried to fight off the government forces who came to arrest them. Looks like it didn't work.
TECH +200, MATERIALS +100.
The Factory
Our operatives have set down outside an abandoned factory. There's a lot of old and wrecked machinery here. Perhaps we can use some of it? Search the site.
There's a surprising amount of functional tech here. Good that we found this place. TECH +175, MATERIALS +100.
The Golden Age
Our operatives have discovered an abandoned Phoenix Project site. This isn't a base, but an archive of old blueprints and other planning material, compiled haphazardly in 2011 when an older archival facility was demolished to make space for a bypass. Search the site.
There are various useful resources here, but the most interesting find is also the least useful: the official Phoenix Project Investment and Development Plan from 1970, setting out Newton Sumrall and Irina Semionova's ambitious plan for the 1970s: exploring the far side of the Moon, retrieving samples from the deepest points of the ocean, even building a new research station in Antarctica. To think of all that could have been!
TECH +100, MATERIALS +315, FOOD +150.
The Instruments of Freedom
Our operatives have set down on the edge of an abandoned town. Most of the buildings have been burned out, but there's a bank right in the center that's been broken into. Inside there's old paper bank notes left lying all over the floor. Before the Pandoravirus, they would have been worth millions. Search the bank.
Most of the contents of this building, once worth killing for, are useless now. Luckily, our operatives have found a few things that can be dismantled and re-used.
The Junkyard
The [AircraftName] has landed outside an abandoned junkyard. There are hundreds of rusting vehicles and automotive parts here. Hopefully, we can find something useful. Search the site.
Other scavengers have been here before us, but there are still some parts we can use.
The Orrery
The [AircraftName] has landed outside a wealthy estate. The whole place looks abandoned and is completely overgrown. The security fence has been smashed down by a truck. Search the grounds.
Our operatives struggle through the undergrowth until they find a huge, rusted model of the solar system - an orrery, built right here in someone's garden. Our operatives take several pictures for study. The planets and moons are to scale, but there seems to be several unidentified objects on this model. According to whoever built this, there are at least twelve planets in our solar system, with several objects on huge orbits far beyond Pluto and Neptune.
The estate has been looted, but it looks like the looters were mainly after food. There are still a few things we can take.
The Towering Incompetence
Our operatives have discovered a highly-fortified skyscraper. The site appears to be abandoned. Our findings indicate that this location was fortified by the owners of a hedge fund, who intended to outlast the end of days here. Although the structure is beginning to crumble, it would have been a good place to survive the early years of the apocalypse.
This tragedy is something of a puzzle: despite the availability of tremendous technical resources and enough supplies to last a century, the owners of this structure apparently died from voluntarily drinking unfiltered water.
MATERIALS +500, FOOD +100.
The Truck
The [AircraftName] has flown over a burned-out truck. The engine and cab appear to have caught fire, but the container section looks to be intact. Set down and investigate.
A small cache of resources has been found. FOOD +90.
This Place is Death
Our operatives have located an abandoned camp previously used by a local paramilitary organization. During the waning days of World War III, dozens of "socially undesirable" people were executed here. It appears to have briefly been used as a shelter, but the doors to the main building have been ripped off their hinges and skeletons litter the corridors. Search the site.
All available resources have been recovered. This place deserves no further attention.
TECH +65, MATERIALS +365, FOOD +90.
This valley was the location of a major battle of the Third World War. The ground is poisoned and thousands of skeletons, now overgrown by mutated moss, litter the countryside. There is absolutely nothing of value here. Leave.
What's Left Behind
Our operatives have landed near an old school. The buildings nearby are all abandoned and cars block the streets. The school is overgrown with mutated vegetation. Search the school.
These jobs are never fun. Exploring the ruins means rooting through people's lives, coldly evaluating the remains of who they were to see what's useful and what's not. You have to forget that children played here, before the virus came. We've acquired some resources.
Our operatives have set down in a small town. Most of the buildings have been destroyed in some sort of battle. However, one building remains intact. It looks like it's a museum. Search the museum.
It turns out this was an automotive museum, displaying some of the oldest cars and trucks that were invented at the start of the 20th century. After breaking in, our operatives have been through the galleries evaluating what we can take and use. In a way, it feels wrong. But if humanity is going to have a future, we need to make use of anything that we can.
Anu Haven Events
A Good Day
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0. Haven leader is female and haven is not starving.
Exarch [HavenLeaderSurname] of [HavenName] is offering a trade: building materials in exchange for food. The haven isn't starving, but there's a big festival coming up and supplies are inadequate for what she's imagining.
"Look, if I may be honest for a second," she says. "Call me [HavenLeaderForename], by the way. So, look, this isn't really about religion. We just need a good day, you know? Just one really good day to give everyone hope."
Agree to the trade (-120 Food)
"Thank you! Thank you very much!" [HavenLeaderForename] says with a big smile. "Thanks to the Phoenix Project, the people of [HavenName] will have a feast to remember! And if I'm right, that will give them enough strength to keep going for a while longer. Not forever, but... maybe until we win this war."
MATERIALS +625, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +5, Haven Leader's attitude to Phoenix Project +12
Donate the food (-85 Food)
"Thank you! Thank you so very much! Your generosity is astounding," [HavenLeaderForename] says with a big smile. "Thanks to the Phoenix Project, the people of [HavenName] will have a feast to remember! And if I'm right, that will give them enough strength to keep going for a while longer. Not forever, but... maybe until we win this war."
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +5, Haven Leader's attitude to Phoenix Project +18
Refuse the trade
"That's all right," the Exarch says. "I understand that the Phoenix Project has its own priorities."
Haven Leader's attitude to Phoenix Project -5.
Careful Now
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
Things at [HavenName] are a little unsettled; a recent visit from the Shadowed Hierarch resulted in the previous Exarch disappearing overnight. Our operatives are greeted formally, with great attention paid to each necessary ritual.
After the rituals are concluded, the inhabitants present our operatives with gifts.
Accept the gifts
"These things were captured on the battlefield. We hope they shall be of use to you," the Skeuophylax says as a crate is delivered to our vehicle.
Player receives 2 New Jericho Assault Rifles (+3 ammo) and 1 New Jericho Machine Guns (+2 ammo).
Decline the gifts
We have gravely offended the people of [HavenName]. The Shadowed Hierarch shall hear of this.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -2 and Haven Leader's attitude to Phoenix Project -6.
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
One of the Anu soldiers at [HavenName] is asking to join the Phoenix Project. He's been an admirer of our organization ever since hearing about it when he was a child, and now that it's more than just a legend, he wants to do his best to contribute to our cause.
"I've been training ever since I heard the Phoenix Project was back," he says. "You know, I never believed all the lies they told about you. If the governments of the old world had supported you when it mattered... well, I guess it is what it is. But I want to help."
Recruit him
The soldier grins. "I... I get to join the Phoenix Project? Wow. The Exalted must have blessed me in my sleep. I can't believe this is happening!"
Player receives one Berserker soldier.
Tell him his haven needs him
It's hard for him to accept, but probably true. The haven needs every good soldier it can get, especially with how things have been going lately.
Haven Leader's attitude to Phoenix Project +8
Reject him as a filthy mutant
The soldier is crushed not only by the rejection, but by the realization that the Phoenix Project could harbor such prejudice. He spits on the ground before heading back into the haven.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader's attitude to Phoenix Project -25.
Cut Off
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0. Haven leader is male.
The inhabitants of [HavenName] welcome our operatives with smiles and questions about the outside world. It appears their long-range communications equipment has been malfunctioning for some time, and they know very little about what's been going on recently.
Inform them about the current situation
Exarch [HavenLeaderSurname] is pleased that we have chosen to share our information but saddened that things have not gotten better. To thank us, he offers some of the haven's food supply.
FOOD +300, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3 and Haven Leader's attitude to Phoenix Project +10.
Help them fix their communications systems (-20 Tech)
Exarch [HavenLeaderSurname] is extremely pleased. He commends us to the Dead God and his true prophet, the Exalted. There are many here who have family in other havens, he says, and they will finally be able to speak to their loved ones again, all thanks to the Phoenix Project. He asks his people to reward us generously.
FOOD +300, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +5 and Haven Leader's attitude to Phoenix Project +15.
Convince them things are even worse than they think
Horrified by our exaggarated tales, the people of [HavenName] retreat to their homes to pray to the god who seems to have abandoned them.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3 and Haven Leader's attitude to Phoenix Project +12.
Epic Poetry
At [HavenName], a young poet is making a name for himself. Inspired by the teachings of the Exalted, he has written an epic in verse that is the part spiritual vision of the future, part guide to letting go of the old world. Despite the heavy subject matter, it's easy to read and entertaining, even humorous. Humankind's flaws are explained in ways that get loud laughs from audiences, and there is an overall feeling of hope.
The poet would like to produce a beautiful printed edition of the work as a present for the Exalted, but the haven leadership is less than enthusiastic, insisting that the only thing really worth reading is the Gospel of the Exalted, so he has turned to us for help.
Let's get it printed (Tech -10 and Materials -15)
The end product of our efforts may not match the truly great editions of the past, but given present circumstances, it's a huge success. The young poet thanks our operatives with tears in his eyes; he never thought he would get to create something so beautiful. The Exalted will be pleased.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +6, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3 and Haven Leader's attitude to Phoenix Project -7.
Tell him to ask his people for support
The Phoenix Project shouldn't be getting involved in this issue, but if the people of [HavenName] really love his poetry so much, they should force their leadership to change its ways. That is the spirit of democracy.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3 and Haven Leader's attitude to Phoenix Project -6.
Condemn this sick filth
This isn't poetry, it's religious propaganda disguised as art. The Phoenix Project will not support the spread of dogmatic beliefs that ultimately benefit the Pandoravirus.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -3 and Haven Leader's attitude to Phoenix Project -5.
Don't get involved
Not getting involved is exactly what the [HavenName] leadership expected of us.
Haven Leader's attitude to Phoenix Project +10.
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is lower than -25.
At [HavenName], an engineer approaches our operatives, begging them for help.
"I need to get out of here as quickly as possible," he says. "Please! They're going to expose me to the damn virus, I know it. I thought... I guess I thought they knew what they were doing. Adapting to the new world, you know? But they treat people like cattle. Doesn't matter what happens to individuals so long as it's part of the Exalted's grand plan. It's terrifying. I have tech I can share if you help me get as far away as possible from these lunatics."
Help him join Synedrion
The priests at [HavenName] will be furious that a potential future Skeuophylax has escaped them, but it's clear that we've done the right thing for this person.
TECH +40, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3 and Haven Leader's attitude to Phoenix Project -7.
Help him join New Jericho
The priests at [HavenName] will be furious that a potential future Skeuophylax has escaped them, but it's clear that we've done the right thing for this person.
TECH +50, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3 and Haven Leader's attitude to Phoenix Project -7.
Don't help him
The Phoenix Project is a science organization, not a taxi service.
Faith in Transformation
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 50.
Exarch [HavenLeaderSurname] greets our operatives in the name of the Exalted and the Dead God, wishing them long life and the achievement of biological perfection.
"It is fortunate that you have chosen to follow the path of the Disciples," he says. "I believe your choice was a turning point for our faith, a moment that will be remembered and celebrated by generations to come."
To help us achieve our common goals, he orders the citizens of the haven to contribute to our cause. Accept
The citizens gladly gather all they can spare. To them, the Phoenix Project is as much part of the Exalted's vision as Taxiarch Nergal or the Blind Legate. It would seem that we have become figures of legend.
TECH +75, MATERIALS +150, FOOD +190.
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is less than -25.
At [HavenName], our operatives are approached by an apostatical Anagnostes.
"I've been living a lie for too long," she says. "I have little faith in the Exalted and none at all in the Synod of Yearning. That triple-faced freak is nothing more than a monster in a fancy robe, and I'm tired. If you help me get out of here, I'm willing to sell you all the research data I've been working on."
Help the Anagnostes (-15 Tech)
The Anagnostes feels no guilt handing over information that is supposed to be part of the Sacred Mysteries; as far as she's concerned, they're neither sacred nor particularly mysterious.
Research +100, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -2, Haven Leader's attitude to Phoenix Project -6.
Do not help
The Phoenix Project is a science organization, not a taxi service.
Feed the Hungry
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0. Haven has a Food production facility.
Lately, the inhabitants of [HavenName] have been struggling to produce enough food for the entire population; despite their best efforts, the Field of Transubstantiation is not growing properly. Their Anagnostes, who would normally find the source of such a problem, is unfortunately away on a pilgrimage. They plead for our help.
Investigate the problem (-10 Tech, -30 Food)
After a few experiments, our operatives determine that the problem lies with an unknown microorganism that has infested the haven. Its metabolic waste includes several derivatives of cinnamic acid, which inhibit growth in the fungi the Disciples grow for food.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader's attitude to Phoenix Project +15.
Refuse the request
Exarch [HavenLeader] expresses sadness at our choice, but promises to pray for us to the Dead God.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -2, Haven Leader's attitude to Phoenix Project -6, Food production facility is damaged.
Folk Heroes
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 25. Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project must be between 25 and 50.
The inhabitants of [HavenName] are pleased to see our operatives. They believe that the Phoenix Project could help humanity achieve its next evolutionary step and so withstand the Pandoravirus. They're glad that we have joined their cause and gained the blessing of the Keeper of the Threshold. Even greater things await us, they assure our operatives.
To make sure we don't go hungry while saving the world, they share some of their food with us. Thank them "You will always be welcome in [HavenName]," an old woman tells our operatives. "Not just because the hierarchy supports you, but because ordinary people believe in you. They even tell stories about you! You will help realize the vision of the Exalted."
FOOD +450
From the Shadows
Conditions:Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project must be higher than 60.
At [HavenName], our operatives are surprised to find a package waiting for them. It contains highly valuable electronic parts and a note from the Shadowed Hierarch: "Thought these might come in handy with some of the issues you've been having recently. Remember: the Exalted has a plan, and that's more than can be said about anyone else."
According to the locals, the Hierarch passed through weeks ago, so it's unclear how he knew our operatives would come here.
Accept the gift
Resources are resources, and we need all the help we can get. Even if there's something unsettling about the Shadowed Hierarch and all the things he seems to know.
TECH +200
Reject it
We don't need gifts from unpredictable shadow figures. This feels too much like being manipulated.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -2, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -6
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project must be between 0 and 75.
At [HavenName], the atmosphere is subdued. A massive caravan of refugees from the fallen haven of Balarama Bridge has just arrived, and many of them are still shaken by the disaster that claimed hundreds of lives. The priests are busy tending to the injured, but they are afraid that many will die in the next few days. "The human body is imperfect," one of the priests sighs. "But it's not only external injuries that claim lives. Memories, too, can kill, when kindness is in short supply."
Contribute resources to help the refugees (-40 Materials, -50 Food)
With our help, the refugees can start rebuilding their lives under the protection of the Disciples. They are still deeply traumatized by what they went through, but the teachings of the Exalted give them hope, and they express their gratitude to the Phoenix Project.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +5, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +12, Population +637.
Offer thoughts and prayers
A passing Hiereus quotes the Gospel of the Exalted, chapter four: "Here were written all the names of all the faiths that had misled Man, promising salvation in the future world, yet offering nothing in the world of flesh. Yet Man knew in his heart that it was the flesh that was corrupt, and it was there that the healing must begin."
Population +1405
Offer resources in exchange for guarantees that the refugees will be granted religious freedom (-40 Materials, -30 Food)
"None shall be brought to the Dead God by force," a priest assures our operatives. "But those who do not follow the path of the Exalted, who refuse the wisdom of the Synod of Yearning, cannot receive the divine blessings, and will never attain perfection."
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +15, Population +1544.
Ask Synedrion for assistance
A representative from Synedrion agrees that it would be appropriate to forget about whatever differences exist between Synedrion and the Disciples in order to help these refugees. Our common humanity is all we have, after all, even if we can't quite agree on what to do about it.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +10. Disciples of Anu's attitude to Synedrion +4, Synedrion's attitude to Disciples of Anu +4, Havens population was changed by 550.
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
[HavenName] claims to be the birthplace of the Apostle to the Once-Born, the missionary-like figure sent to bring foreign havens into the Anu fold. Although there is no real proof of this in any of the canonical texts, Exarch [HavenLeaderSurname] has decided to build a massive statue to honour the Apostle. All that's lacking is the right materials to build it with. Exarch [HavenLeaderSurname] is prepared to offer us a really good deal if we can help him. This is a one-time offer.
Trade materials for food (-35 Materials)
Exarch [HavenLeaderSurname] is highly pleased by the deal we have struck, promising that the Phoenix Project will be credited on the plaque that will be attached to the statue's pedestal.
FOOD +500, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +16
Trade materials for tech (-45 Materials)
Exarch [HavenLeaderSurname] is highly pleased by the deal we have struck, promising that the Phoenix Project will be credited on the plaque that will be attached to the statue's pedestal.
TECH +115, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +17.
Donate materials (-25 Materials)
When he hears of our generous donation, Exarch [HavenLeaderSurname] is overcome with emotion, promising that the Phoenix Project will be credited on the plaque that will be attached to the statue's pedestal.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +17.
Reject deal
Exarch [HavenLeaderSurname] is disappointed by our lack of appreciation for the Apostle to the Once-Born and all that he or she has done for the world.
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -6.
Inner Workings
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project must be higher than 10.
The Anagnostes of [HavenName] would like to ask our operatives some questions about their experiences in the field. In exchange for this information, she is willing to share a copy of the Book of the Inner Workings, a compilation of scientific insights produced under the guidance of the Shadowed Hierarch.
The list of questions is surprisingly long, delving into a huge variety of minute details, from types of mushrooms observed in ruined buildings to when and where rations are consumed. None of it's classified information, and not much of it seems that useful, but the Anagnostes is satisfied and gives our operatives a copy of the promised book.
Research +95, Stamina -10, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +9.
We don't have time for this. The Anagnostes will have to find her information somewhere else.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -2, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -5.
Maps of the Earth
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
The Anagnostes of [HavenName], formerly a professor of geography at a major university of the old world, is highly interested in the Phoenix Project and proposes an information exchange.
Exchange information
The world is changing rapidly, the Anagnostes says, and understanding the new shape it is taking on will be essential to the survival and evolution of humanity.
2 Scavenging sites revealed.
Politely decline
The Anagnostes shrugs. "I'm sure you have your reasons," he says.
Not Dead Yet
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project must be between 0 and 25.
At [HavenName], Exarch [HavenLeaderSurname] is greatly pleased to see our operatives.
"We had heard rumours that the Phoenix Project had been destroyed," she says. "That would have been a shame. There was not much about the old world that was good, but at least the Phoenix Project had the right intentions."
"Together," Exarch [HavenLeaderSurname] continues, "we may have a chance of building a future worth living in. And to that end, allow us to share some Anu's blessings with you." Accept
"May the Exalted show you the way to perfection," Exarch [HavenLeaderSurname] says with a smile. "As she did to me. Haven't gotten there yet, of course, but I'm working on it. That's what really matters."
TECH +75
Number One Fan
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project must be less than 25.
At [HavenName], our operatives are received warmly. It would appear that the local Skeuophylax, or Keeper of the Vessels, is a great admirer of the Phoenix Project. "I used to read all the conspiracy sites when there was an internet," he says. "Everyone else thought the Phoenix Project was evil or just a myth, but I always hoped it was real because an international science organization that fights aliens would just be so, so awesome. I mean, uh, such a thing would be like a blessing from the Dead God!"
Although he is not allowed to show our operatives the Hallowed Machines themselves, he takes the opportunity to share his insights and some of the devices he has built. Thank him
"Oh, it's nothing," he says. "I hope one day the Phoenix Project and the Disciples will be as one. Then we can work on all this cool stuff together. Oh, excuse me. I mean, we shall work on the Hallowed Machines in unison."
TECH +35, Research +125
Pernicious Precipitation
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0. Haven has these 3 zones: production, residential and training
"Toxic rain, a side-effect of the planet's climatic transformation, has been falling on [HavenName] at unpredictable intervals, causing widespread damage and even ruining the last Rite of Hope. The haven urgently needs to add new insulation to its housing, no matter how rough, but there's so much that needs to be taken care of and so few resources.
"I've tried explaining this to the higher-ups, but I only have access to the Voiceless Hierophant and, well, I guess they don't call him that for nothing," the Exarch explains. "Perhaps... the Phoenix Project could lend a hand? There would be payment involved."
Provide the basic materials necessary (-45 Materials)
It's a stopgap solution, but better than none. Hopefully, soon humans will evolve to the point where they can deal with such problems more easily. A few skin mutations should do, although that won't prevent the damage the rain is doing to buildings and statues. "And they thought acid rain was bad," one of the haven's citizens murmurs.
TECH +75, FOOD +350, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +9.
Reach out to the Anu leadership. They need to take this seriously
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project must be higher than 50.
We receive a message from the Blind Legate, assuring us that the matter will be taken care of immediately and that other havens will also begin taking precautions against toxic rain. Exarch [HavenLeaderSurname] is very thankful.
TECH +100, FOOD +500, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +12.
This is an internal matter
The Phoenix Project is a scientific organization, not an architectural firm.
All 3 zones: production, residential, and training are damaged.
Rite of Giving
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 5. Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project must be more than 5.
Our operatives are welcomed to [HavenName] with open arms. Today is the day of the Rite of Giving when the Disciples of Anu share food with friends and allies. After the appropriate rituals have been performed, fungi are gathered from the Field of Transubstantiation and processed so they may be donated to our cause.
Accept the gift
These fungi may be an unusual source of nutrition, but these are desperate times, and humanity needs to adapt.
FOOD +400
Decline the gift
Declining such a gift is taken as offensive, but not exceedingly so. "The Rite of Giving also reminds us to be kind. There are many who are afraid of the fungi because they grow on the bodies of the dead," a hiereus sighs. "Superstition is a burden to humanity. I hope you will overcome it one day."
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -5
Rite of Hope
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
[AircraftName] arrives at [HavenName] during the Rite of Hope, which reminds the faithful to look beyond the problems of the present and believe in a bright future. The citizens march through the haven chanting "Perfection is possible" and praising the Exalted, the first human being to approach said perfection.
After the ceremony, there is a feast, and the priests share some of their provisions with our operatives. Thank them
After the feast, with a few beers in them, the priests are quite jolly. They share funny and sometimes graphic stories about how they used to believe the world was doomed and all the foolish things they did in their despair, but how they ultimately found hope in the Exalted.
FOOD +375, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +10
Rite of the Black Star
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0. Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project must be higher than 10.
Today the people of [HavenName] are performing the Rite of the Black Star, one of the darker, more unsettling rituals of the Disciples of Anu. Its purpose is to remind the faithful of the greed that once ruled the world, perverting all of humankind's efforts, and how nothing could break the grip of that greed - not politics, not technology, not even religion. Only the Great Flood, the apocalypse brought on by the Pandoravirus, gave our species a second chance.
Exarch [HavenLeaderSurname] makes sure to explain the Exalted's teachings correctly: the Pandoravirus is not in itself a good thing, and the Great Flood is not to be celebrated. What is to be celebrated is how this tragedy broke the old systems and the old faiths, giving humanity a chance to reconsider, to pick a new path.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -2, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +6.
Condemn the misanthropy of this ritual
Assuming that only a catastrophe could allow humanity to change course is a deeply misanthropic belief that rejects not only human ingenuity but all human agency. Such a belief is contradicted by the entirety of human history, in which human beings frequently overthrew old systems because they believed in something better, and the world did gradually improve.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -8.
Do not participate
It would be better to stay out of this. Let the people of [HavenName] celebrate their ritual without strangers getting involved.
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -5.
Rite of the Clear Sky
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 25. Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project must be more than 25.
The Rite of the Clear Sky, performed today at [HavenName], is an act of imagination: each participant must meditate and imagine themselves looking up into a clear sky, and from there to the stars, and to the universe beyond. While doing this, they must seek to understand what it would take to reach out to those stars and to compare their current, limited bodies with the bodies that would be required to ascend into the sky.
It's an exhausting process, both mentally and physically, but participating would show that we take the teachings of the Exalted seriously.
Our operatives report feeling humbled and uplifted by the experience, and have gained insights that may benefit our entire organization.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, 30 Skill Points received.
Do not participate
Perhaps another time. For now we must focus on the world in front of us, not the stars.
Rite of the Crimson Moon
Conditions:Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project must be more than 0.
The Rite of the Crimson Moon is about to be performed at [HavenName]. This rite is dedicated to teaching the faithful the value of physical struggle in support of spiritual goals. Invented by former decathlete Anagnostes Ninshubur, who is personally present today, and blessed by the Exalted herself, the Rite of the Crimson Moon is a brutal challenge that should not be undertaken lightly.
Anagnostes Ninshubur extends an invitation to participate to our operatives. She would love to see whether the Phoenix Project can handle such a physical trial.
Anagnostes Ninshubur is impressed by our operatives.
"Clearly the Phoenix Project teaches its people some useful skills!" she laughs. "Although you do look a little worse for wear. As a reward for your bravery, I will teach you some of my personal training methods. Help you get a little bit closer to that physical perfection we must all strive for."
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +10, 30 HP lost, 60 Skill points received, Stamina -10.
"Cowards!" Anagnostes Ninshubur barks, but then she laughs. "We can't expect people to participate in this kind of event unprepared. We are not offended by your rejection."
Rite of the Luminous Deep
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 50.
The people of [HavenName] are undertaking the rare and sacred Rite of the Luminous Deep, which celebrates the tale of how Taxiarch Nergal came to serve the Exalted. But more than just a religious ritual, the Rite also involves learning techniques of self-control, of pushing oneself to the limits in the service of the greater good.
Our operatives are welcome to participate in the Rite and to share this knowledge with their peers.
The Rite of the Luminous Deep is far more punishing than its poetic name would suggest, but the techniques of mental and physical focus taught by the priests of Anu can definitely be applied to how we train our operatives.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +9, 25 Skill points received, Stamina -10.
It was an honour to be invited to participate, so our lack of interest is not received well.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -8.
Rite of Trust
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0. Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project is more than 0.
Our operatives have been asked to participate in the Rite of Trust. Performed today at [HavenName], this ritual involves stories and riddles that seek to recontextualize the faith of the Disciples in the Exalted: to teach that it's not a matter of blindly following someone, as the false prophets of the past demanded, but of trusting her as you trust a friend, knowing her intent is good even if you don't always understand her actions.
The ritual begins with a short reading from the Gospel of the Exalted, Chapter IV: "Here were written all the names of all the faiths that had misled Man, promising salvation in the future world, yet offering nothing in the world of flesh. Yet Man knew in his heart that it was the flesh that was corrupt, and it was there that the healing must begin."
This segues into an odd, almost koan-like parable about how easily people are misled, and how the purpose of the Exalted is different than that of the false prophets.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -4, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +8.
Openly reject the ritual
The Exalted is clever: her fake religion has an element of self-awareness, trying to quench criticisms before they arise. But the trust she asks for is no different from blind faith.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -7.
Politely decline
"Not everyone is ready for the Rite of Trust," says a local priest. "After all, you need to learn to trust us first."
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -4
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0. Haven has a factory.
When our operatives arrive at [HavenName], the local Skeuophylax is busy trying to repair the haven's production facilities, which were recently damaged by what she suspects was an act of sabotage.
Offer assistance (-25 Tech, -35 Materials)
As it turns out, the problem wasn't sabotage, but squirrels. Yellowish-purple glowing squirrels with strange frills, possibly incorporating nudibranch DNA. They've gnawed away at a lot of the machinery, but once located, they are easy enough to remove.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +7, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +20.
Wish her well
The Skeuophylax shrugs and gets back to work. Despite her fancy title, she is an engineer at heart.
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +5, Factory is 25% damaged.
Sabotage the facilities even more
While the Skeuophylax is distracted, our operatives strategically disable some of the most important industrial machinery in [HavenName]. There will be suspicions, but no proof it was us.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -4, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -10. Factory is 50% damaged.
Safe Haven
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project is less than 75.
Our operatives have become entangled in a potentially messy diplomatic affair at [HavenName]. It would appear that a defector from New Jericho is asking the Disciples of Anu for asylum, and plans to join the religion if his request is granted. New Jericho demands their soldier be returned, claiming he has been brainwashed.
The influence of the Phoenix Project could be the deciding factor, but our choices will have political consequences.
Push for asylum to be granted
The soldier is allowed to join the Disciples of Anu and be initiated into the Waters of Life. Tobias West is said to be furious at our intervention.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +=15
Insist that asylum isn't an option
The soldier is returned to New Jericho, there to face trial for treason. The Synod of Yearning is reportedly furious at our intervention, and Synedrion expresses concern at our anti-asylum stance.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -2, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -2, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -5.
Recruit the soldier
There is no other solution that won't cause problems down the line, and the Phoenix Project can always use more recruits. Neither New Jericho nor the Disciples of Anu are particularly pleased, but neither can they really take offence.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3. One New Jericho Assault soldier join Phoenix Project.
The Exarch Blues
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
Exarch [HavenLeaderSurname] of [HavenName] is desperate: a lot of her haven's ordinary machinery is breaking down, but the haven's Anagnostes has taken all the spare parts for his Hallowed Machines.
"It's a funny thing, being an Exarch," she tells our operatives. "In theory, you're in charge of the haven, but there are a lot of other forces at play, and sometimes you end up having no authority at all. Right now all I can do is hope you're willing to trade."
Help out in exchange for resources (-15 Tech)
Exarch [HavenLeaderSurname] is relieved. "Let me tell you, in some ways, things were a lot easier before we joined the Disciples. Well, not easier. Less complicated. But it's never been easy. And at least the Exalted has a vision for the future."
MATERIALS +115, FOOD +100, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +14
Help out for free (-15 Tech)
Exarch [HavenLeaderSurname] is relieved and deeply grateful. "Let me tell you, in some ways, things were a lot easier before we joined the Disciples. Well, not easier. Less complicated. But it's never been easy. And at least the Exalted has a vision for the future. I hope the Phoenix Project will be part of that vision."
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +6, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +20
Appeal to the Blind Legate
The Blind Legate judges situations based not on hierarchy, but the truth. And the truth is that the Anagnostes has prioritized his personal needs over those of the haven, and must do penance. Exarch [HavenLeaderSurname] thanks us for our assistance, praising the Phoenix Project for being a unique force for good within the Disciples.
MATERIALS +165, FOOD +515, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +15.
Reject deal
Exarch [HavenLeaderSurname] sighs. "I guess I'll have to try trading with Synedrion then," she says. "But by the time they're done arguing about what to do half our haven will have fallen apart."
The factory is 50% damaged. The energy generator is 25% damaged.
The Old World
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
In one of the public squares in [HavenName], a loud debate between a supporter of Synedrion and a local priestess has drawn a lot of attention. The debate itself is actually friendly, as the two women have known each other for a long time, but there is an unusual intensity in the crowd as arguments fly back and forth. People are deeply invested.
The Synedrion supporter argues that there is a lot that we can learn from the old world. That not everything was bad, just the way it was organized, and that we could build a civilization that had many of the same features, but without the systemic flaws.
The priestess disagrees: she thinks the old world was fundamentally broken, and that without a change in human nature, we would just repeat all the same mistakes again.
Side with the priestess
What makes us human is the best thing about us, but also the worst. We're greedy and violent, not because of our spiritual nature, but because our bodies evolved to be this way. The good news is we can change those bodies and allow ourselves to become better people in the process.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -3.
Side with the Synedrion supporter
There is far too much to be admired about the old world to just dismiss it as sinful or broken. The system that dominated the world was incapable of correctly distributing resources and couldn't respond to planetary-scale crises, but that doesn't mean everything about that time was bad. It's not about human nature; human nature isn't really a steady concept, but something that changes based on material conditions, and it's those conditions we have to take control of.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3.
Stay out of it
It's better to let this argument play out on its own. We don't need to impose our opinion on public debates of this kind.
The Waters of Life
At [HavenName], our operatives are approached by a young woman. She is uninfected, but has been selected to be taken to the Chamber of Baptism and anointed with the Waters of Life - that is, deliberately exposed to the Pandoravirus. The effects of the Pandoravirus will then be disrupted by the secret methods of the Disciples, allowing her body to transform but keeping her mind free.
The young woman is the daughter of a high-ranking New Jericho officer. He has sent several messages demanding the conversion be stopped and his daughter returned to him. She has no intention of returning, however, having abandoned New Jericho to seek out the teachings of the Exalted. Still, she is nervous and asks for advice.
Encourage her to convert
"The young woman is relieved to know that others think this is a good idea, too.
"I want to be better," she says. "I really think we can evolve, as a species. It's the only way to survive on this planet. This crazy idea my dad has that one day everything will go back to normal... I know he misses my mom, but the old world isn't coming back, and neither is she. And, I guess... neither am I."
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +6, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -4, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +14.
Encourage her to go back home
She thinks about it, but ultimately decides to stay.
"Changing myself scares me," she admits. "But I really think we can evolve, as a species. It's the only way to survive on this planet. This crazy idea my dad has that one day everything will go back to normal... I know he misses my mom, but the old world isn't coming back, and neither is she. And, I guess... neither am I."
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -9
Kidnap her and return her to her father
In the chaos of the slums, someone disappearing can easily go unnoticed. A drop-off point is arranged and the young woman's father shows up in person to collect her.
"Tobias West personally gave me this vehicle so I could get here as quickly as possible," he tells our operatives. "He understands how important it is to save every single person we can from this cult. Thank you. Thank you for saving my daughter. She won't understand right now, but hopefully one day, she will."
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +7, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -4, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -8.
This is a matter of religious freedom. We can't get involved
What people choose to do with their lives based on their beliefs is none of our business. Whether we agree or disagree, having the freedom to believe what you want is a human right. What are we fighting for if not that?
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +6, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -8.
Unto Him That Is Ready to Perish
Conditions: Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project must be more than 25.
At [HavenName], the members of a local monastic order known as the Shrouded Smile are proudly announcing the creation of a new type of beer, which they are calling Exalted Ale. It is intended to help one get in touch with one's inner spiritual perfection by eroding some of the biological barriers that inhibit the human body - such as sobriety.
Exarch [HavenLeaderSurname], however, seems less than pleased. She feels that drinking is a sin and only leads to regression.
The monks have invited our operatives to participate in the first public tasting of Exalted Ale. Should they attend?
Of course
The ale is a great success: dark and rich, it leads to long, passionate conversations and the invention of entirely new forms of dance.
Exarch [HavenLeaderSurname] is disappointed by our support for the Shrounded Smile, but the rest of the Anu hierarchy doesn't seem to care.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Stamina -10, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -4.
Better not
The Exarch thanks us for respecting her beliefs and offers a little thank-you.
TECH +125, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +10.
What's Ahead
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
The Skeuophylax of [HavenName] has been processing the information recently gathered by the haven's scouts and offers to share some of it with us in exchange for parts for the Hallowed Machines she is tasked with maintaining.
Agree to the exchange (-10 Tech)
She uploads the data to our system.
3 Scavenging sites revealed.
"I understand your reluctance. Good spare parts are rare to come by," the Skeuophylax says. "I hope the Exalted will guide us to the world where the beauty of machines is better understood."
New Jericho Haven Events
And Taking Names
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 50. New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project is more than 50.
Our operatives have arrived at [HavenName], a haven controlled by New Jericho. Commander [HavenLeader] welcomes them in person and orders her soldiers to immediately start loading several crates of supplies onto the [AircraftName].
"Nothing's too good for our friends!" she says, patting one of our operatives on the back hard enough to send them staggering.
Accept the contribution
"Hah! Excellent! The stronger the Phoenix Project gets, the stronger we all get," Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] grins. "Keep kicking Pandoran ass and we'll get along just fine."
TECH +75, MATERIALS +450, FOOD +225, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +7.
Reject the contribution
Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] orders her soldiers to stop. With a cold stare and a shrug, she leaves the landing area.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -12.
Anywhere But Here
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is less than -25.
At [HavenName], our operatives are contacted by a scientist who needs their help to escape the haven.
"I have to get out of here," she says. "I don't feel safe anymore. I opened my big mouth a few times too many, questioned Harlson's methods too openly... does Tobias West even know what goes on in his organization? I don't know and I don't care anymore. I just need to go somewhere else. Anywhere's fine by me. Please. I'll pay you."
Help her join Synedrion
Our operatives have successfully helped the woman escape [HavenName]. She'll be joining Synedrion, which won't exactly please New Jericho, but how could we abandon a person under such circumstances?
TECH +65, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -7.
Help her join the Disciples of Anu
Our operatives have successfully helped the woman escape [HavenName]. She'll be joining the Disciples of Anu, which won't exactly please New Jericho, but how could we abandon a person under such circumstances?
TECH +50, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -8.
Don't help her
The Phoenix Project is a science organization, not a taxi service.
Big Damn Heroes
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 75.
At [HavenName], our operatives are greeted with great warmth and affection. The stories of our accomplishments have spread, and everyone here knows about the battles we have fought to help Tobias West realize his visions. "As far as we're concerned, you're genuine heroes," one the citizens says. "And heroes deserve a heroes' welcome!" Thank them
The citizens start loading crates of supplies into the [AircraftName]. "Friendship should always go both ways," our operatives are told. "You've done so much for us. Time for us to do something for you."
FOOD +140, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +7.
Chicken Broth for the Apocalypse
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 10.
At [HavenName], our operatives witness the lighter side of life in a New Jericho haven when they are invited to judge a local cooking contest. Cooking in the post-apocalypse is a difficult task, especially if you want the result to actually be tasty, but this just brings out people's innate creativity. Human beings like a challenge.
Judge the competition
The winner is, without a doubt, Fred Ujarak's recreation of the German specialty known as Currywurst, somehow accomplished without sausages or curry. But that's not really the point of the contest. The point is that everyone feels better, more human, for a little while.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +9.
Instead of judging, participate (-15 Food)
Participating in the contest, our operatives get to know the people of New Jericho, at least here in [HavenName], in a new way. As it turns out, they're just ordinary human beings trying to live meaningful lives in an increasingly alien world. The winner of the contest, Fred Ujarak, sums it up best: "We just want things to go back to normal."
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +10.
The Phoenix Project is a science organization, not an association of food critics.
Common Cause
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 50, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project is more than 50.
Our operatives have made contact with [HavenName], a New Jericho haven. Its leader, Commander [HavenLeaderSurname], is an enthusiastic supporter of the Phoenix Project. She immediately offers to share information and resources. Accept
"I'm glad Tobias West put his trust in you," Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] says. "I always thought the Phoenix Project and New Jericho were natural allies. I'm sure you can make an official alliance happen if you keep up the amazing work you've been doing."
TECH +140, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +8.
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project is between 0 and 25.
Our operatives have landed at a New Jericho-affiliated haven called [HavenName]. Commander [HavenLeaderSurname], a former engineer, is very interested in our work. She asks many questions about the Phoenix Project, including detailed specifications of our equipment. "I'm just a geek about this stuff," she says.
Sharing this kind of information with New Jericho may be perceived as the beginning of an alliance by the other factions.
Provide detailed specifications
Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] is impressed, offering the full support of [HavenName] to our cause. She has ordered one of her finest soldiers to join our team.
Player receives one assault soldier.
Politely evade the questions
Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] is not offended, but comments on the sad lack of trust between our organizations. "We really need to work on that," she says.
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -5.
Ex Aqua
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0. Haven has a food facility. Haven is starving.
[HavenName] is in crisis. There has been ongoing starvation for some time now, and to top it all off, the haven's overstrained food production facilities are breaking down. It looks like something may have gotten into the water, but the haven lacks a better filtration system. Could the Phoenix Project use some of its advanced tech to help track down the exact nature of the problem?
Help for free
The damage to the haven's crops is being caused by a previously unknown strain of phytoplasma. Normally transmission requires an insect vector, but this strain seems to be transmittable via water, and very hard to kill. Luckily for the people of [HavenName], our scientists are very good at killing bacteria.
The results of the study should also prove useful for our own projects.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +6, Research +25, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +13.
Help for a price
The damage to the haven's crops is being caused by a previously unknown strain of phytoplasma. Normally transmission requires an insect vector, but this strain seems to be transmittable via water, and very hard to kill. Luckily for the people of [HavenName], our scientists are very good at killing bacteria.
The results of the study should also prove useful for our own projects.
MATERIALS +375, Research +125, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +10.
Appeal to the New Jericho leadership
If it spreads, any kind of pathogen that evades the usual safety precautions and does damage to crops could become a serious problem for humankind as a whole. New Jericho will dedicate extra resources to eliminating the threat at [HavenName] before it gets out of control.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +5, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +15.
Do not help
New Jericho will have to solve this problem itself. If they're all about purity, it shouldn't be so hard.
Food zone is damaged.
Fire from the Sky
A sudden fire is threatening to engulf [HavenName]'s training facilities. Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] already has her best people trying to put it out, but the blaze is unusually powerful.
Help out
With the help of our operatives, the fire is eventually put out. An investigation reveals its cause: a strange, balloon-like creature that drifted down out of the sky. A guard shot it and it exploded into a substance similar to napalm.
Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] shakes her head. "What kind of world has this become? Everything is hostile. Everything is... disgusting." By way of thanks, she shares some data the haven has been collecting.
Research +25, Stamina -10, 30 HP lost, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +8. Food production is slightly damaged.
Let it burn
The fire does significant damage to the haven's facilities before it can be stopped.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -8. Food production and training zone is damaged.
Flight of the Sinister Ducks
Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] is close to losing her mind. Her haven, [HavenName], has been dealing with a plague of exploding ducks. The bloated, misshapen creatures seem to contain some kind of highly combustible gas, and entire flocks of them are throwing themselves at the haven, day after day. They come from a floating "duck hive" suspended nearly a mile off the ground.
"We've got to do something or I swear we'll go crazy," Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] says. "Ducks! Of all the godforsaken things in this universe. The Pandoravirus really turns everything into an abomination. I've had to tell grieving mothers that their sons were killed by ducks. I've had to scrape torn-apart duck flesh from my roof. We need a solution. Please."
Use the [AircraftName] to get close enough to the hive to destroy it
This is without a doubt the strangest mission the [AircraftName] has ever undertaken. The ducks fly erratically, and bursting birds shake the vehicle. Finally, a well-aimed rocket shatters the hive in a massive explosion, as whatever gas kept it afloat catches on fire. The sight is disgusting, but the smell makes our operatives miss Chinese food.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +5, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +20, Airacraft is damaged (-40 HP).
Look for a scientific solution
Experiments show that these duck-like beings respond strongly to magnetic fields and that the reason they are divebombing the haven is not Pandoravirus aggression but the presence of a powerful industrial magnet. Once that is removed, the ducks are relatively harmless.
Research +65, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +12.
Mock the people of [HavenName] for being unable to live in the new world
Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] does not think her situation is funny. "Real lives are being lost!" she screams. But that's the cost of trying to return to the past instead of adapting to the present. The Disciples of Anu would've turned the ducks into a source of pre-cooked food.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -20.
Do nothing
Let's get the duck out of here.
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -5
Full House
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 25. New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project is more than 25.
The officers of [HavenName], led by Commander [HavenLeaderSurname], have a bold new project they'd like our operatives to participate in: a poker tournament.
"Folks, we need some goddamned R&R," Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] says. "If we keep going like this, we're gonna forget what makes us human. And humans need to play. So how about it? You in?"
Participate (-15 Food)
The tournament is a huge success, raising morale and even spreading to other havens. Even something as simple as poker gives people something worth living for. Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] is pleased, doubly so because she won the tournament.
"Thanks for helping me make this happen. Having the Phoenix Project participate made it seem a lot less like a crazy idea. Heck, even Tobias West himself sent me a message. Said he doesn't play poker, but he appreciates the spirit of intelligent competition it fosters. How about that?"
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +15, value poker=1.
Refuse to participate, but contribute to the prize pool (-15 Food)
The tournament is a huge success, raising morale and even spreading to other havens. Even something as simple as poker gives people something worth living for. Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] is pleased, doubly so because she won the tournament.
"Not sure why Phoenix Project folks can't have any fun, but we sure appreciated the donation," she says with a grin."
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +10, value poker=1.
Don't get involved
"What are you, allergic to fun?" Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] complains.
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -7
Further Developments
Conditions: Value Nayar is 1.
Dr. Madhuri Nayar, with whom we had previously collaborated on her study of the effects of solar storms on the Pandoravirus, has been reassgined to [HavenName], where Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] properly appreciates and supports her work.
There's one issue she would like our input on, however: should she focus her research on figuring out the biochemical functions of the Pandoravirus, or on how the information she's gathered could be used in the field?
Focus on general research
Dr. Nayar thanks us for the input, and shares some of her preliminary findings.
"I'm glad the Phoenix Project had my back when I needed it," she tells our operatives. "Without that, I think I would've given up."
Research +75
Focus on what will help our soldiers in battle
Dr. Nayar thanks us for the input, and shares some of her preliminary findings.
"I'm glad the Phoenix Project had my back when I needed it," she tells our operatives. "Without that, I think I would've given up."
30 Skill points gained
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
Our team has landed at a place called [HavenName]. The people here are sick. Our operatives believe that the locals have contracted a new strain of influenza, but panic is brewing as rumours about Pandoravirus infections are spreading.
We've made contact with Commander [HavenLeaderSurname], who runs this haven on behalf of New Jericho. She is asking for our assistance, in the form of medical supplies and expertise.
Provide medical assistance to [HavenName] (-15 Tech)
[HavenLeader] is extremely grateful for the medical assistance that our operatives have provided. Our team believes that in a week or two, the population will recover from the outbreak and everything will be back to normal.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +9.
Refuse aid to [HavenName]'s sick people
The security forces at [HavenName] have been severely depleted by the illness. If the haven is attacked, they may not be able to defend themselves.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -12, Training facility is damaged.
Just Deserts
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is less than -25.
Our operatives have been approached by a New Jericho deserter from [HavenName].
"All I want is a way out," he says, "and a little something to help me start a new life somewhere else - with the Disciples, maybe. I can pay you with some research data that... accidentally found its way to my system. I'm sure you'll find it very interesting."
Help the dissenter (-15 Tech)
The deserter gladly hands over the stolen data as soon as he's out of [HavenName]. The moment he's out of the haven he seems lighter, happier, like a man feeling free for the very first time.
Research +100, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -2, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -5.
Do not help
The Phoenix Project is a science organization, not a taxi service.
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project is between -25 and +25.
At [HavenName], a Tobias West speech is being broadcast. West is explaining New Jericho's concept of loyalty: "Our loyalty is to the Earth. The Earth that was, the true Earth, with its systems of competition and evolution, and the apex of those processes - Homo sapiens, the rational animal that thrives in freedom."
"To stand against the invaders, against the corruption of that system, is what brings us together. It is an idea rooted in history and biology, giving birth to a voluntary community under a leader whose sole purpose is to build a future where all that is strong and good will flourish, and all that is weak and corrupt will wither, the way it has always been on this Earth."
Argue that West is wrong to think humanity has reached its apex
"And what do you think the real apex is? Growing a tentacle out of your butt? No thanks," one of the locals retorts. Nevertheless, some people here seem to think that maybe humanity has further to go, even if they're afraid to say so openly.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -5.
Argue that West is wrong for thinking a voluntary community needs a leader
This idea seems disturbing in a way the locals can't quite articulate, and our operatives are told to be quiet.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -6.
Praise the speech
Everyone nods - this is indeed one of West's best speeches.
West concludes with the following words: "As long as we are driven by that loyalty, a loyalty born of the Ego, of that unalienable core that makes each of us unique, not even the most powerful abomination will be able to stand in our way."
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -2, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -2, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +8.
Respectfully allow the speech to conclude
"As long as we are driven by that loyalty," West continues, "a loyalty born of the Ego, of that unalienable core that makes each of us unique, not even the most powerful abomination will be able to stand in our way." There is an explosion of cheers.
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +5
Misty Days
Conditions: Haven is in Mist.
[HavenName] is surrounded by a white, cloudy sea, and people are terrified. Everyone living here has lost someone they loved to the Pandoravirus, and they all have vivid memories of what happened last time the Mist rolled across the land. Defenses are holding, but an undercurrent of panic is beginning to spread.
It's almost like sharing stories around a fire at night - a communal experience that somehow gives everyone strength. Knowing that the Phoenix Project has succeeded before is reassuring, and the people of [HavenName] are reminded that being New Jericho is all about fighting back.
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +20.
Tell people to have faith in Tobias West
The legend of Tobias West - the founder, the visionary - always gives people hope. But he is very far away, more an idea than a reality, and the Mist is right here.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +7.
Tell them only the Exalted can save them
To most people in [HavenName], the Exalted is a monster, something like a dragon from a fairy-tale. The idea that she could help them seems crazy. But there are those who, faced with the reality of the Mist, see the point of trying to adapt.
One assault soldier joins the Phoenix Project.
Tell them only Synedrion has the kind of technology that could beat back the Mist
It's not what any of them wanted to hear, but the truth few are willing to admit is that it sounds believable. After all, what can New Jericho really do about the Mist? Shoot at it?
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +6, Haven Leader’s attitude to Synedrion +8.
Pandoran Realism
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 25.
There's a melancholy mood at [HavenName] that nothing seems able to lift. Too many lives have been lost, too much has changed about the planet. People feel uprooted, lost in a nightmare that simply won't end. Or maybe it's just too hard to believe that things can ever get better.
Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] understands how essential morale is, but he is at his wits' end. He's willing to try anything at this point.
Help him throw a big party (-50 Food)
The party itself is only a minor event that can't permanently affect morale; once the booze wears off, everything will feel just like it did before. But the reason to throw a party anyway is the personal connection between citizens that it creates. The people of [HavenName] need to have something to live for that exists in the present, not the past, and the only thing we really have is each other.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +15.
These people need Tobias West's wisdom
There's a reason New Jericho has managed to survive when so many other organizations didn't: its leader, Tobias West. It's his clarity of vision that has inspired people, and it's his words that the demoralized people of [HavenName] urgently need. Thanks to our connections, we can arrange that, and West is willing to take enough time out of his busy schedule to talk to dozens of citizens.
Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] is grateful and seems newly inspired himself.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +5, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +20.
Tell him the Exalted is the only path to happiness
Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] is less than pleased by this advice. He has no intention of surrendering to the Pandoravirus and worshipping a false god just because people are feeling depressed.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -15.
Don't get involved
The Phoenix Project is a science organization, not a psychotherapy service.
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project is between 0 and 50.
Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] is willing to contribute substantially to our cause, on the understanding that we will help defend [HavenName] whenever we can, and in the hope that we will not make enemies of New Jericho.
It seems everyone here is quite confident that the Phoenix Project has a real chance of saving the Earth. Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] would like to be part of that, but she also has to be careful. Her ultimate loyalty is to the people of her haven.
TECH +100, FOOD +375, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +12.
Assure her we will protect her haven, but make no ideological commitments
"Fair enough," Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] says. "I appreciate that, and I hope we won't find each other on opposing sides one day."
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +12.
Refuse any such commitment
Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] seems frustrated. She seemed to have high hopes for the Phoenix Project, but now she's not sure we can be trusted.
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -9.
Royal Flush
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 25. Poker value is 1.
The new tradition of New Jericho poker tournaments, which we had a small hand in starting, has really taken off. It's a distraction from the horrors of the world, but also a kind of defiance: no matter what happens, we're human beings and we still get to have fun. At [HavenName], the tournaments attract massive crowds, and successful players are almost like celebrities.
"A group of players have pooled their resources to make a donation to the Phoenix Project.
"Look, if there's one thing New Jericho always needed, it was to lighten up a little," says one of them. "And when even a serious organization like the Phoenix Project agrees, that helps change people's minds. Makes it acceptable, you know? So thank you." Accept the donation
It's strange to think how good the occasional bit of play can be for the human soul. But what are we fighting for, if not a world in which people get to play games again?
TECH +150, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +6.
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0, New Jericho's attitude to Synedrion is less than 0.
Our operatives have arrived at a New Jericho haven called [HavenName]. It looks like the people here are in mourning after a recent conflict with another human faction left many dead. Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] blames Synedrion, but it's not entirely clear what actually happened.
Apparently, there was a firefight near one of the gates in the middle of the night, and figures who seemed to be wearing Synedrion armor stole several crates of supplies. Several New Jericho soldiers died in the raid, including the Commander's nephew.
Provide aid to [HavenName] (-40 Food)
The unexpected help reminds the people of [HavenName] that not everyone out there is an enemy. It doesn't take away the pain, but they seem less pessimistic now. One of them, an old geographer, points out some sites that might be of interest to us.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +12. One exploration and one scavenging site revealed.
Stay out of this
The people of [HavenName] go back to their lives, waiting for the next terrible thing to happen, while Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] plans his revenge.
New Jericho's attitude to Synedrion -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -6.
Rile people up against Synedrion
It doesn't matter whether Synedrion really is responsible for this particular tragedy. What matters is that the people of [HavenName] need an enemy, and Synedrion's ideology is incompatible with New Jericho's anyway.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -4, New Jericho's attitude to Synedrion -6, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +12, Haven Leader’s attitude to Synedrion -10.
Contact Synedrion about this
Synedrion representatives assure us that they had nothing to do with what happened. The culprits may have been raiders with Synedrion equipment; a shipment of armor was hijacked recently.
This information seems to change Commander [HavenLeaderSurname]'s mind, at least to the point where he's no longer certain.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, New Jericho's attitude to Synedrion +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +10, Haven Leader’s attitude to Synedrion +6.
Sic Transit Vanadium
Conditions: New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project is more than 25.
The people of [HavenName] have discovered an old Vanadium Inc. ambulance. Vanadium was the company owned by Tobias West which eventually transformed into New Jericho, so technically speaking it's their property anyway, but the important thing is that the ambulance may contain highly valuable medical supplies. Unfortunately, the ambulance is half-buried in mud in a swampy area prone to sudden gas explosions.
Salvage the ambulance at any cost
This is going to be a day people tell stories about for years to come. Heroic rescues, dramatic explosions, and the sight of an ambulance being pulled across a swamp! Our operatives have just participated in a New Jericho legend in the making.
The supplies in the ambulance are valuable, as is the reward for our assistance, but perhaps the most significant accomplishment of the day is the moment of triumph shared by the Phoenix Project and New Jericho.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +5, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +20, Aircraft is damaged (-40 HP).
Tell the people [HavenName] to let go of the old world
Our argument is received surprisingly well. Vanadium is no more, and the dangers inherent in trying to recover the ambulance are just not worth it. Maybe it is time to start thinking about the future, not the past.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +10, Haven Leader’s attitude to Disciples of Anu +10.
Don't get involved
The Phoenix Project is a science organization, not an automobile club.
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0. Haven is starving.
Our operatives have discovered a New Jericho haven. However, there is a disturbance going on. The New Jericho soldiers are trapped in a central building while the people outside are protesting. Apparently, there is a food shortage. The leader of the haven, Commander [HavenLeaderSurname], has made contact by radio and is asking us for supplies.
"I'm not asking for help fixing the problem permanently," Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] says. "That's my responsibility. But with your help, we could get through this without anyone having to die. These people aren't evil, they're not even rebels, they're just hungry."
Provide food to [HavenName] to support the Commander (-35 Food)
The food drop causes chaos, but gradually the crowds disperse and our aircraft is able to land. Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] is very grateful and offers us resources in return.
MATERIALS +65, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +10.
Do not intervene
Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] curses the Phoenix Project. The last thing audible in his transmission are the sounds of fighting as he orders his people to open fire on the protesters.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -2, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -2, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -2, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -15, Haven lost 150 population.
Provide food, but support the protesters (-45 Food)
Our operatives supply the protesters with food, but suggest they keep up the pressure on the Commander. Ordinary people should not have to pay for their leaders' failures.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +6, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -5, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -30.
Symes and Portents
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
[HavenName] is home to Dr. Ramon P. Jacobi, leader of the New Jericho Taxonomy Project. In addition to being a brilliant scientist, Dr. Jacobi also claims to have invented the term "Pandoran" as a descriptor for the creatures that threaten our world.
"Before that, people just called them monsters or mutants, or even aliens!" he says. "But that's really rather missing the point, isn't it?"
"Anyway," Dr. Jacobi continues, "that's not what I wanted to talk to you about. Actually, I want to make you an offer. You see, I have something. A book - but not just any book. A notebook. Written by Randolph Symes, one of the founders of the Phoenix Project. A great man, ahead of his time. I'm sure it would be invaluable to you. And I'm willing to trade for it."
Agree to the trade (-20 Tech)
The notebook appears to be authentic, although the notes are written in the idiosyncratic shorthand Symes had developed for his personal diaries. Still, his unique perspective on the history and early findings of the Phoenix Project is always illuminating.
Research +125
Reject the trade
We don't need to buy old books from scientists of questionable trustworthiness to do our jobs. Randolph Symes can stay in the past.
Steal the book
Dr. Jacobi is not the most attentive individual, and in many ways, the notebook was our property to begin with. The valuable research it contains was performed by one of the founders of the Phoenix Project, after all.
Research +125, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -7.
The Bright Future
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project is between 0 and 25, Disciples of Anu and Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project is less than 25.
Our operatives have made contact with the New Jericho haven of [HavenName]. They are warmly received by Commander [HavenLeader], who sees the Phoenix Project as an excellent potential ally in the fight against the Pandoravirus. He mentions that Tobias West always opposed the funding cuts that almost broke the Phoenix Project's back in the days before the war and the Pandoravirus.
To show that New Jericho is on our side, the commander orders that resources be made available to our cause. "You can always use more guns, right?" he laughs.
Accept the contribution
Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] brings out a cask of ice-cold beer he's been saving for a good day.
"Here's to a bright future!" he says, raising a glass. "One where we finally make decent beer again."
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +8, 1 New Jericho assault rifle, machine gun and sniper rifle received.
Reject the contribution
Commander [HavenLeader] seems less offended than simply baffled by the rejection.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -4, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -8.
The Cause
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project is less than 25.
Our operatives have made contact with the New Jericho haven of [HavenName], where a crowd has gathered in the main square to listen to a speech given by Tobias West on a large viewscreen. Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] invites our operatives to participate.
In his speech, West denounces all other human factions as 'traitors to the cause of human will made manifest through individual action' to cheers from the crowd. He does caution, however, that some have embraced this treason by mistake, and may yet be swayed by reason.
Criticize the speech for its dogmatism
Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] is unhappy with our interference in the business of [HavenName]. Further discussions do not go well.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +2, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -10.
Make no mention of the speech
Inspired by West's speech, Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] decides to share some resources with us. He believes that we understand and respect West's cause and that we can help it triumph over the dangerous ideologies promoted by Synedrion and the Disciples of Anu.
TECH +75, MATERIALS +700, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +10.
Praise the speech
"He is a great speaker, isn't he?" Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] grins. "He actually has a philosophy, not just slogans. That's why people love him. He knows what he believes and he can explain it in a way that makes you really understand it."
TECH +10, MATERIALS +240, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +6, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -3. Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +16.
The Helios Event
At [HavenName], Dr. Madhuri Nayar is preparing to study the effects of an upcoming coronal mass ejection on the Pandorans. Unfortunately, Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] thinks her research is nonsense and is refusing to provide sufficient resources. We could help, but Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] seems like the kind of person who holds a grudge.
Help Dr. Nayar with her experiment (-20 Tech)
"Fascinating," Dr. Nayar says as the data comes in. "There's a noticeable disruption of the Pandoran movement patterns. Even the Mist seems to behave differently. But the eruption barely touched the Earth - this was no Carrington event! I guess I'll need to keep studying these results."
Research +65, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -10, value nayar = 1.
It's Commander [HavenLeaderSurname]'s right to make this decision
Dr. Nayar is a good scientist, but Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] has to think about the needs of the entire haven. If she can't allocate resources to Dr. Nayar's project, so be it.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +12.
The Lost
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0. Haven population is less than 2000. Haven has a residential zone.
Our operatives have arrived at a New Jericho haven called [HavenName]. Parts of the settlement are almost entirely abandoned, and very little is being properly maintained. According to the haven leader, Commander [HavenLeaderSurname], Pandoran attacks and a short but disastrous epidemic have brought the haven to its knees.
There are scattered refugees still living in the vicinity, but he lacks the resources and manpower to bring them home.
Help the refugees return to [HavenName] (-70 Food)
Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] and his people are very grateful for the support. Thanks to us, [HavenName] may flourish once more... or at least keep going for a while.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +10, Haven gains 1000 population.
"Then perhaps this is the end," Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] sighs. "Or perhaps New Jericho will still send help. I guess we'll have to wait and see."
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -4, Residential zone is damaged
Reach out to the New Jericho leadership
Not everything filters through to Tobias West; he's a busy man, and sometimes his assistants fail to inform him of certain situations. Once he hears about the situation in [HavenName], he immediately takes action, not only sending teams to find the refugees but sending new settlers to revitalize the haven.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +15, Haven gains 3000 population.
The Truth Is In There
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
At [HavenName], a nurse alerts our operatives to the presence of Colonel Budahas, whose investigation into the secrets of the US government we had funded. He's in the infirmary. Dehydrated and delirious, he clutches a black bulletproof briefcase and refuses to give it to anyone except a Phoenix Project operative.
"You don't know what I had to do to get my hands on this," he says, his whole body shaking. "The things I've seen... my mind... I'll never be the same again. But it's here. It's right here. The truth. You just have to open it."
Open the briefcase
The briefcase contains documents that prove conclusively that the CIA, a pre-war intelligence organization, had a division dedicated not only to investigating unusual phenomena but to actively sabotaging the Phoenix Project. The files, compiled by an individual known only as Operative 11, show that General Newton Sumrall was deliberately undermined by this group. The briefcase also contains the true results of Phoenix Project studies that were deliberately distorted by a double agent.
Research +75, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +6.
The Truth Is Out There
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
At [HavenName], our operatives are approached by Colonel Budahas, who is pursuing leads to a mystery that has eaten away at him since before the First Mist: did the US government know about the Pandoravirus? He believes that there were parts of the state apparatus that distrusted the Phoenix Project for its internationalism and created an agency to investigate unusual phenomena on its own.
That elusive agency's trail has led him all around the world - with the support of Tobias West, of course. But lately, West has been getting impatient and would prefer to invest his resources elsewhere. Maybe the Phoenix Project could help?
Finance the investigation (-10 Tech and -25 Food)
Colonel Budahas nods gravely. "I will not disappoint you, my friends," he says. "I will contact you as soon as I know more."
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, value Budahas=1.
Colonel Budahas sighs heavily. "Ah, I should probably give up. Been chasing this mystery for so long, I lost sight of the things that really matter. "
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
Our operatives have made contact with a New Jericho haven, where an execution appears to be in progress. Three individuals are marched out of the main building and placed in front of a firing squad. A volley of bullets ends their lives in an instant.
After the execution is over, people cheer. Apparently the dead were well-known traitors who had only just been captured.
With this unpleasant business over, Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] greets our operatives warmly.
Condemn the execution on principle
Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] is unhappy with our interference in the business of [HavenName].
"You have no idea what kind of crazy ideas these lunatics were peddling, and what they were willing to do to get people to believe them,"" he says angrily. ""I'm never going to apologize for protecting my haven."
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -10.
Make no mention of the executions
Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] is in a good mood. Executions may be terrible, but [HavenName] is much safer without these criminals and their delusional ideas. He's happy to share some of the haven's resources with us.
MATERIALS +190, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -2, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +12
Carefully inquire as to what crime the prisoners had committed
Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] sighs heavily.
"They joined one of these cults that keep springing up. Preached that the Pandorans are here to heal the planet or some such garbage. That's bad enough, but they sabotaged our security facilities to show that we've actually been safe all along. Thirty people died because of them, and still, they kept believing."
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +6
True Grit
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0. Training zone is present
Our operatives have arrived at [HavenName], a New Jericho haven. The base defences show signs of having been breached at some point, and Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] is clearly limping, even though he is trying to hide it.
"We didn't let them get through," he says. "But one of those giant bastards with the many legs took down a chunk of the wall. I was standing on top of that chunk. Let me tell ya, it wasn't fun. Anyway, if you've got any good building materials to spare, we've got some holes that need plugging. We'll pay, of course."
Provide aid to [HavenName] (-50 Materials)
"Thanks, that should get us started turning [HavenName] back into an actual fort. And here's your payment. Ain't no such thing as a free meal, right?" Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] laughs, winces, and gets back to work.
TECH +125, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +8.
We are currently unable to help
"Huh. Well, that's a shame," Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] says with a shrug. "But I guess we'll manage."
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -5, Training zone is damaged.
Tell them New Jericho's ideology cannot protect them
"Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] sighs heavily.
"They joined one of these cults that keep springing up. Preached that the Pandorans are here to heal the planet or some such garbage. That's bad enough, but they sabotaged our security facilities to show that we've actually been safe all along. Thirty people died because of them, and still, they kept believing."
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -4, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -15, Training zone is severely damaged.
Unknown Soldiers
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than -25.
At the New Jericho haven of [HavenName], our operatives are treated cautiously. Commander [HavenLeader] mentions previous dealings with the Phoenix Project. Upon further inquiry, he reveals that two Phoenix Project scientists were detained here due to being infected. Unfortunately, both are deceased.
Apparently, these scientists, who never managed to make contact with Phoenix Point and may have been unaware that the Phoenix Project even still existed, were conducting research in the area when they were infected. Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] insists that their research belongs to [HavenName].
Reluctantly, Commander [HavenLeader] agrees to release the cartographical portion of the research.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -8, 2 Exploration site revealed.
Accept Commander [HavenLeaderSurname]'s position
Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] seems pleased that we agree.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +15.
Go up the chain of command
The problem is swiftly resolved; of course, the Phoenix Project deserves access to the work of its own scientists, even if they weren't officially activated. Trust, after all, is the basis of friendship, and the Phoenix Project is a friend.
Research +125, 2 Exploration site revealed.
Ask Tobias West for the research directly
West is deeply irritated with Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] and his interference with such a highly-valued ally. He strongly suggests that another mistake of this magnitude would be fatal.
Research +125, 2 Exploration sites revealed (and already explored)
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
Our operatives have arrived at a New Jericho settlement called [HavenName]. There are signs of a recent battle, and many of the inhabitants are injured. According to their leader, Commander [HavenLeaderSurname], they were recently attacked by another group of humans.
Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] believes the attackers were sent by the Disciples of Anu. He's furious but currently needs to focus on rebuilding his haven.
Provide food aid to [HavenName] (-50 Food)
Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] and the people of [HavenName] are very grateful for the support. Next time they're attacked, they'll be ready. In return for our generosity, they share some resources they have no use for, but which we might be able to do something with.
TECH +75, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +8, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +20.
Do not provide aid
It's clear that Commander [HavenLeaderSurname] was hoping for help, but he is not too offended at our lack of assistance.
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +-4, Training zone is damaged.
Synedrion Haven Events
A Scanner Brightly
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
When our operatives arrive at [HavenName], the citizens are busy setting up a new, experimental long-range scanner, developed by the eccentric Dr. Jefferson Nkrumah. Some consider Dr. Nkrumah's methods to be odd, but he insists that it's necessary to look at the world without preconceptions.
"Think of my approach as Shklovskian defamiliarization, or as the scientific equivalent of the Brechtian Verfremdungseffekt," he says. "But without proper resources and at the end of the world."
Contribute resources to the experiment (-10 Tech, -25 Materials)
The scanner works, producing an entirely new method of analyzing the world's post-Pandoravirus geography... for a little while, before exploding in a shower of sparks.
"Some data is better than no data," Dr. Jefferson Nkrumah is heard to murmur. He hands our operatives a copy of the information he collected, along with an explanation of his methodology.
Research +100, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +7, 2 Scavenging sites revealed, value Nkrumah=1.
Stay out of it
Dr. Nkrumah may be talented, but the Phoenix Project needs to focus on legitimate research.
A Time of Tragedies
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project is between 0 and 25.
The citizens of [HavenName] are greatly relieved to see our operatives. The last few months have been terrible for them, one tragedy after another; they are glad to see the Phoenix Project trying to figure out the Pandoravirus.
Promise that things will get better
A belief in a better future, everyone agrees, is necessary for humanity to keep going.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +7.
Contribute resources to help them recover (-50 Food)
The people of the haven are thankful for our support.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +5, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +16.
An Oral History of the Pandoravirus
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
At [HavenName], our operatives are approached by Leyla Shupak, a writer working on an oral history of the Pandoravirus. She would like to interview them about their experiences in the field. She's also interviewed people from New Jericho and various other havens; the intent is to create a complex, multi-layered document that captures something of what it was like to be a human being in this age of the world. Assuming, of course, that there's going to be someone left to read it.
The Disciples of Anu disapprove of her work, as they believe that too much of it legitimizes the idea that the fall of the old world was tragic rather than necessary. They believe that accounts of the fall must focus on humanity's ability to adapt and grow, on the changes we have to make and the opportunities that surround us, instead of nostalgia and self-pity.
The interview session proves emotionally exhausting, as old wounds are easily reopened, but it also provides our operatives with a rare feeling of recognition. It's always good to remember that human lives have a context, that we're in this mess together.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -4, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +9, Stamina -10, 50 Skill points received.
The story of the Pandoravirus will have to wait to be told until the Pandoravirus has actually been defeated. Until then, this kind of thing is just a distraction.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +4
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 25.
We have made contact with [HavenName], a Synedrion haven. A citizens' assembly is supposed to vote on contributing resources to our cause, but a significant chunk of the population appears to be busy enjoying some kind of orgy. Our operatives are invited to participate, should they be interested.
Politely decline and wait for the orgy to end
Perhaps because many of the citizens seem hungry and/or sleepy, the haven votes to donate a significant amount of food to the Phoenix Project.
FOOD +450
Make polite excuses and attempt to leave
The citizens of [HavenName] express some disappointment at the prissy attitude of the Phoenix Project, but quickly arrange a vote, as they do wish to contribute.
FOOD +90, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -5.
Allow our operatives to participate
As per regulation 17.4b, the details of this event are to remain private; there is to be no log of which operatives choose to participate. Later on, the assembly votes to generously support the Phoenix Project.
FOOD +190, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +10.
Broken Dreams
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
The atmosphere at [HavenName] is subdued. An attack some months ago resulted in two hundred deaths, reminding the citizens that their little utopia is surrounded by an apocalypse that will not simply go away when they stop paying attention. They've never felt quite right since.
Offer our condolences
There is little that can be done for the dead, but perhaps we can help prevent such tragedies in the future.
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +4.
Castigate them for not taking the enemy seriously enough
Our message is received with expressions of outrage and disappointment, and our operatives are pointedly told to stay away from grieving family members. Still: if Synedrion does not start understanding the threat of the Pandoravirus, tragedies like this one will only multiply.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +5, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -4, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -12.
Fund a memorial to the deceased (-25 Materials)
A memorial can't change what happened, but it can remind us that we don't just accept the deaths of our loved ones. We remember them and we use our pain and our rage at the injustice of the universe as a source of strength in the fight to build a better world for the next generation.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +6.
Building Democracy
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
Our operatives have made contact with [HavenName], a haven that only joined Synedrion relatively recently. The citizens of [HavenName] are currently in the process of converting their old council hall into a facility better suited for a full democratic assembly. They could use some building materials and are willing to exchange them for excess equipment.
Agree to the trade (-75 Materials)
The citizens are thankful for the Phoenix Project's support for the political system they have chosen. Finally they will be able to make decisions for themselves - at least as much as anyone can in this world.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +6, 1 Synedrion Assault rifle, 1 Synedrion Sniper rifle and 4 Sonic grenades received.
Offer building materials for free (-75 Materials)
There is cheering all throughout [HavenName]. "So the Phoenix Project really does stand for freedom and democracy," one of the citizens says to our operatives. "That is very, very encouraging. Didn't know people still tried to do the right thing on this broken planet. Maybe there's hope after all. At least a little sliver of it. But you can go a long way on a little hope, you know?"
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +6, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +17.
Tell them they're idiots for joining Synedrion
Our input is not deemed helpful.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -2, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -10.
Reject the offer
The haven's representatives are disappointed, but they shrug and go back to their work. There's a lot to prepare before the first official assembly.
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -5
Cerebral Accelerationism
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
[HavenName] is home to Dr. Lexa Kennedy, a charmingly sinister neurobiologist who believes in pushing the boundaries of human cognitive experience. She has been working on a new method for transferring information into the human brain, hoping it can be used to accelerate learning processes. Unfortunately for her project, the people of [HavenName] find the value of her work questionable, particularly as they are worried it could be used to secretly indoctrinate people.
"That and the incident where I turned Larry into Barry," Dr. Kennedy admits. "But look, I'm working with limited resources here. The world is literally ending and we need every advantage we can get, right? So, if any of you... operatives is the term, yes? If any of you operatives would be interested in helping me run some tests... on your brains..."
Allow our operatives to participate
After minor brain surgery, some mild electric shocks, and a limited amount of shrieking, the experiments are finally successful.
"I've managed to download War and Peace into your brains!" Dr. Kennedy beams. "Although I think it's in Ancient Cappadocian. Sorry. Wrong file." Further experimentation shows that technology has a lot of limitations, but it will allow our soldiers to improve some of their skills.
Stamina -10, 30 Hit points lost, 10 Skill points received, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -3
This sounds like a terrible idea
Dr. Kennedy sighs. "I guess I should give up on this project. There's probably a good reason everyone's against it. Well, maybe I can try making that mist-driven ship prototype work after all..."
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +6
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is less than -25.
Our operatives have been approached by a Synedrion dissident. The individual in question is willing to exchange valuable information in exchange for a way out of [HavenName] and a modest payment.
Help the dissenter (-15 Tech)
The dissenter hands our operatives a small portable drive full of research data. Clearly, people are starting to doubt Synedrion's vision of the future.
Research +25, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -2, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -8.
Do not help
The Phoenix Project is a science organization, not a taxi service.
Fungal Crisis
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is less than 0, Food zone is present
When the [AircraftName] arrives at [HavenName], our operatives encounter a crisis situation: an unknown fungus has been found growing inside the haven. The local scientists are extremely alarmed and everyone is doing their best to figure out how bad the situation is.
Offer scientific assistance (-20 Tech)
After a great deal of hard work, the growth is isolated and removed. It turns out to be a highly mutated strain of Eremothecium gossypii, which could have caused severe damage to the haven's crops. How it infiltrated the haven remains unknown, but the inhabitants are deeply thankful for our help.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +5, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +9.
Stay out of the way
Many of the haven's fruit trees are drying up and dying, and some of the grain also seems to be affected, despite the genetic resistance to fungi engineered by Synedrion's scientists.
Food zone is damaged.
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is less than 0, Factory zone is present
[HavenName] recently suffered a breach. Small tick-like parasites invaded the haven, causing extreme rage and confusion in anyone they attached themselves to. Synedrion doctors have already found a cure, but there is still a lot to repair. The exhausted and still somewhat shaky citizens are happy to see our operatives.
Offer assistance with the repairs (-40 Materials)
Citizen Soyinka thanks our operatives on behalf of the community. This will make a real difference.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +10.
Offer condolences
A representative thanks the Phoenix Project on behalf of the community.
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +4, Factory is damaged.
Argue that this shows coexistence with the new ecosystem is impossible
Perhaps a reasonable argument to make, but not one the people of [HavenName] are particularly interested in hearing right now.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -10.
Argue that this shows human beings need to adapt on a biological level
Perhaps a reasonable argument to make, but not one the people of [HavenName] are particularly interested in hearing right now.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -15.
Matters of Faith
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
At the Synedrion haven of [HavenName], an unusual situation is unfolding: a significant minority of the population has joined a new religion, the Cult of the Distant Voice. Members of the Cult believe that through meditation, a person can make contact with a divine being called Yurgon, and thus receive enlightenment. Furthermore, they believe that the enlightened are immune to the Pandoravirus. This latter belief is causing a security problem.
Synedrion is predicated on full religious freedom, but it is also a society built on principles of scientific rationality. To suppress the Cult would be an assault on freedom, but the Cult's belief put the community in active danger of infection. Frustrated, worried, and unable to find a solution via debate, the people of [HavenName] have turned to us for input.
Cultists should be forced to obey security protocols or be expelled
The followers of the Cult of the Distant Voice are not pleased, and the rest of the population is deeply uncomfortable, but at some point irrational beliefs can no longer be tolerated, particularly when lives are at risk. Some of the cultists decide to leave, risking the long journey across the wasteland to stay true to their visions.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +10, Population is decreased by 96. Adds towards terraformers allegiance.
Cultists deserve full freedom, even if their beliefs are dangerous
Without true tolerance, Synedrion can never build a society that is genuinely free of hierarchies. Figuring out how to coexist with the Cult of the Distant Voice will be a challenge for [HavenName], but it's a challenge worth accepting.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +10, Adds towards polyphonic tendency allegiance.
We can't get involved
This is not a Phoenix Project matter, and we won't get involved.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -7.
Nature's Dominion
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
The Synedrion haven of [HavenName] is in uproar - over a book. "Nature's Dominion" is a new philosophical novel by Yevgenia Liu which depicts humanity's struggle against hierarchies, concluding with the idea that Nature itself is the ultimate hierarchy that must be defeated to guarantee humankind's freedom. Some critics accuse the book of advocating human supremacy, an idea the author herself doesn't find problematic in the slightest, gladly calling herself a human supremacist.
In a democratic society such as Synedrion, such debates can have a real effect on future policy, especially in the current situation. Is the ultimate goal harmony with Nature, or liberation from Nature? The answer to this question determines not only what Synedrion should do about the Pandoravirus, but also what should be done if humanity ever finds itself in control of this planet again.
For now, of course, it's just a discussion about a book, but the citizens of [HavenName] are curious: where does the Phoenix Project stand?
Liberation from Nature is the essence of civilization
Glorifying Nature has always been reactionary. The civilization the Phoenix Project was founded to defend is precisely the opposite of Nature: human beings breaking the natural patterns of conflict and competition, choosing to think for themselves, to cooperate, to transform, to build. Recognizing the essential brutality and stupidity of the natural world, civilization is the project of setting out to create something better for all of us.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +13, Adds towards terraformers allegiance.
A healthy civilization would have a balanced relationship with natural systems
The Phoenix Project understands that humanity's conflict with and destruction of the natural world isn't a matter of original sin, but a consequence of the hierarchies that have skewed human development. When these are dissolved, when people are truly equal, they will be able to coexist with Nature in a way that is healthier and more sustainable.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +15, Adds towards polyphonic tendency allegiance.
The only solution is changing humanity itself
The Phoenix Project believes that the question of humanity's relationship to Nature is too simplistic if we understand "humanity" to mean a static concept of Homo sapiens in this current stage of development. If we take humanity to be a more fluid concept, then we can understand that the question is not really about Nature, but about ourselves. It is we who have stopped evolving, we who have to start moving again.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +5, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -2, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -4.
No comment
The Phoenix Project does not engage in literary criticism or philosophical speculation.
Our Past and Future
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 25.
Representatives of [HavenName] speak warmly of the importance of the Phoenix Project and the potential advantages of our organizations pursuing a common vision based on science and humanism. An assembly is called to determine the haven's contribution to the Phoenix cause. Wait for the assembly
After much debate, including a critical analysis of the Phoenix Project's origin in state structures and how that might affect its methods, a contribution is decided upon.
TECH +115
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
At [HavenName], a Synedrion scientist by the name of Dr. Aini reaches out to our operatives. He has been working on technology intended to help terraform the planet, but he needs more resources to continue his experiments. Unfortunately, the latest assembly voted against providing his project with further resources, as many in the community feel that terraforming is too aggressive and imperialistic an approach to the planet's ecological crisis.
Dr. Aini would greatly appreciate the support of the Phoenix Project in this matter. The haven may have voted against supporting his work, but that doesn't mean he is forbidden from finding resources elsewhere. As a Synedrion citizen, he is entitled to pursue his interests freely and without state intervention. In return he would be willing to share some of the insights he has already attained.
Support Dr. Aini's research (-10 Tech)
Dr. Aini is thankful for our support, although it does seem to cause some negative reactions with the rest of the population. Synedrion may be democratic to the core, but such situations do cause a lot of friction. Thankfully, the data that Dr. Aini shares with our scientists is quite valuable.
Research +250, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -5, Adds towards terraformers allegiance.
Perhaps it is better for the Phoenix Project not to get involved in the inner proceedings of [HavenName] at this time. Dr. Aini will have to continue his research on his own.
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +6
People's Front of Synedrion
Conditions: Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project is less than -25.
At the Synedrion haven of [HavenName], a citizen desperately wants out. He's offering to pay our operatives for taking him along.
"Look, I just can't stand it anymore," he says. "I joined Synedrion because they seemed like they really wanted to build a better world, but do you know what they do all day? Argue! Argue about every damn thing, over and over and over. They're just incapable of getting anything done at all. I'd rather join New Jericho and play soldier, or even be one of the Disciples of Anu and grow an arm out of my spleen or something - anything's better than this endless bloody whining."
Help him join the Disciples of Anu
The local citizens aren't happy - they were certain they could have convinced the man to stay. Presumably by talking to him some more.
TECH +75, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +5, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -9.
Help him join New Jericho
TECH +65, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -7.
Don't help him
"Oh God," the man says with genuine horror in his voice. "It's time for another assembly. Let's see who's going to be a pedantic bore this time."
Phoenix Project: The Game
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 25.
At [HavenName], a group of young people are developing a holographic game based on the history of the Phoenix Project. People need something fun to do when they're not fighting to survive, and even in this dark time, games are still valued. The game is set in the 1960s and 70s and follows the Phoenix Project's operatives as they solve mysteries around the world. Players have to survive tactical missions to various locations while also keeping track of their diplomatic relationships with the nations that provide funding.
The main problem the young developers face, apart from the eternal lack of resources and time, is access to historical information about the Phoenix Project, much of which remained classified even after its existence was revealed to the public. Should we share some of our archive data with them?
It's possible that the other factions will see this as an act of propaganda.
Yes, our history is worth sharing
The developers are amazed. From the struggle between Director of Operations Newton Sumrall and the American government to Administrator Irina Semionova's conflict with the KGB, from the eccentric ideas of Randolph Symes to the tragic story of the Phoenix-2 mission to the Moon, there is a vast wealth of material for them to draw on. Hopefully their game will help spread awareness of how long and how hard the Phoenix Project has fought for Earth.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +6, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +16.
No, they'll have to rely on their imaginations
The developers are disappointed, but understanding. "There's probably all sorts of stuff that's really secret," one of them says. "And if anyone knew about it, it would be a really big problem. Better to keep it all hush-hush until the planet is saved. Hey, maybe we can use it in the sequel!"
Demand they stop developing the game
The developers are deeply disappointed by our attitude. They promise to rename the game to "A-FIG: Alien Fighters" and remove all references to the Phoenix Project, even though copyright is no longer a concept, at least not in Synedrion havens.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -2, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -7.
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
At the Synedrion haven of [HavenName], our operatives run into a recently-returned scientific expedition helmed by Professor Maathai, which had set out to explore a complex of limestone caverns in which the Pandoravirus seems to have produced a completely unique category of bioluminescent fungal hybrids. Unfortunately, some kind of large burrowing creature caused a collapse that buried half the team and damaged much of the equipment.
Some of our advanced Phoenix tech might be able to recover the highly valuable data the scientists died collecting. With the equipment in the state that it's in, however, It would be a very expensive and complicated process.
Retrieve the data (-30 Tech)
It takes effort, ingenuity, and a lot of spare parts, but eventually, our operatives manage to retrieve most of the data. Professor Maathai is pleased, although nothing can really make up for the people she lost.
"At least we can hope that what we did will help in some small way," she says with a tired smile.
Research +190, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +5, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +25.
We can't spare the resources for this project
Professor Maathai is disappointed, but not angry. "The Phoenix Project clearly has enough to contend with without having to run tech support for Synedrion," she says with a tired smile.
Ask other Synedrion havens to pitch in (-20 Tech)
Why should [HavenName] have to handle this alone? If the Phoenix Project provides some of the rarer tech, and a few other havens help out, we can solve the problem collectively. And so that's what happens: the other havens have to vote on it first, of course, but they trust us.
Professor Maathai is glad. It may be impossible to bring back the people she lost, but at least their deaths will have meant something.
Research +125, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +15.
Ask New Jericho for help
In a rare moment of genuine cooperation, New Jericho shares an old Vanadium prototype data-retrieval device designed for its internal investigations unit. The device works perfectly and the data is saved. Professor Maathai is speechless.
"If only things could always work out this way," she says eventually. "Everyone working together to make the deaths of our friends and loved ones mean something..."
Research +50, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +15, New Jericho's attitude to Synedrion +4, Synedrion's attitude to New Jericho +4.
Reshaping the World
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
Our operatives have made contact with a Synedrion haven called [HavenName]. The citizens are currently engaged in a scheduled debate regarding the ethical dimensions of terraforming, in which an extended presentation by a member of the Polyphonic Tendency faction has caused a minor controversy. Wait for the debate to end
At the end of the day, the argument remains frustratingly unresolved and is set aside for the time being so the citizens can vote on the issue of the Phoenix Project. The overall result is positive, and [HavenName] shares some of its resources with us.
FOOD +400
Sharing Knowledge
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project is more than 25.
Our operatives have made contact with [HavenName], a Synedrion haven. Representatives of the citizenry say they have valuable information to share with us, but of course, this has to be voted upon first. Wait for the assembly
Citizen Selvon, part of the haven's Exploration and Cartography team, hopes that we will find this information regarding the locations of other havens useful. "The world's such a mess these days, it's good to know where things are," he says. "Even if they might be gone soon."
One New Jericho, one Anu and one Synedrion haven are revealed on Geoscape.
Shepherding Evolution
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
Scientists at [HavenName] are struggling with a philosophical dilemma. They have discovered one of the few entirely harmless creatures produced by the Pandoravirus: a herd of scaly sheep. The mutation is so simple, in fact, that it could be easily reversed using basic gene-editing technology, recreating the original sheep species, currently most likely extinct.
The question is - should this be done? Normal sheep will be more useful to human beings, but scaly sheep can survive in the new ecosystem without harming us.
It should be done because it's useful for human beings
It's sentience and intelligence that ultimately matter most - the foundations of civilization, of the cosmos becoming self-aware. Human needs are considerably more important than those of animals, and we should be unafraid to alter the environment to our benefit.
Adds towards terraformer allegiance.
It should be done to restore purity
The world has become a sick parody of itself. Anything we can do to take back some of our genetic purity is worth doing.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4
Every possibility of coexistence with the new ecosystem is worth supporting
We can't always try and place ourselves at the top of creation. We must learn to be part of the ecosystem, not its masters. In this case, we have a chance to coexist peacefully with something the Pandoravirus has made. Even if the Pandoravirus is our enemy, this is a tiny step towards coexistence with the world it has made.
Adds towards polyphonic tendency allegiance.
The scaly sheep are sacred
The scaly sheep are better than normal sheep: sleeker, stronger, better able to defend themselves. They have adapted; they have grown. And they have done so without their minds being enslaved by the Pandoravirus. This is what the Exalted calls holiness, and it must be valued and preserved.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3
Skin Off My Back
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
There are dozens of seriously injured people at [HavenName], all of them missing long stretches of skin. "We were drilling," an injured engineer tells our operatives. "We'd detected a confined aquifer down there. Good chance of finding uncontaminated water. Seemed safe enough. But something... something came out. Weird pink tendrils, whipping around... slashing. Like getting whipped with bloody sandpaper. Took your skin right off. The collapse saved us, funnily enough."
The creature that caused this is confined, but the local doctors are having trouble producing enough synthetic skin grafts to cover the damage.
Donate a lot of medical equipment (-45 Tech)
The doctors are overwhelmed; one of them actually hugs one of our operatives. With this additional equipment, it will be possible to heal everyone. Having heard about our generosity, the injured engineer our operatives had talked to insists on gifting them some explosives. "Time to blow some skin off THEIR ugly backsides!" he laughs. The doctors give him a sedative, shrugging as if to say: engineers!
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +7, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +25, One spider drone pistol received and one pack of ammo.
Donate some medical equipment (-20 Tech)
The doctors are thankful for our donation. It's not enough to solve all of their problems, but it might be enough to tide them over until help from another Synedrion haven arrives.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +15, 12 Population lost.
We can't afford to help
The doctors go back to their work, trying to save as many people as they can.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -2, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -6, 163 population lost.
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0, Coastal site, Training zone present.
The inhabitants of [HavenName] are dealing with a particularly unusual situation. An enormous sea anemone has grown right in the middle of their haven. Two stories high and nearly indestructible, it is thankfully entirely sessile. The problem is not so much the presence of the organism itself, but the fact that at its very top, there is an oversized human mouth, and that mouth, in the words of one citizen, "simply will not shut up."
Incessantly, the mouth babbles absurd sentences in a booming, distorted voice. "TOP TEN CUCUMBERS IN THE EPITAPH. NUMBER FIVE WILL SURPRISE YOU," it moans. "THE SECRET TO SKIN LESIONS REVEALED. WHAT YOU NEVER KNEW ABOUT BLEEDING HORSES."" The citizens are desperate; they haven't had a good night's sleep in weeks. "THIS NEW SOLIPSISM COULD CHANGE EVERYTHING. CHECK TO SEE IF YOU ARE BEING SHREDDED."
The running theory is that the organism is part sea anemone, part copy editor. But although the situation is morbidly funny, the exhaustion it is causing could cost lives."
Attempt to pull the organism into the sea using the [AircraftName]
After a great deal of planning, our operatives use the [AircraftName] to dislodge the organism and drag it into the sea. "FIVE CELEBRITY BACHELORS WHO PREFIGURE HEMATOCHROMIA!" it screams, lashing out with its tentacles. The [AircraftName] takes some damage but keeps going until the organism starts to sink. "TWELVE REASONS WHY YOUR BEST FRIEND COULD BE-" it gurgles before finally vanishing beneath the waves.
The people of [HavenName] cheer and shower our operatives with gifts.
TECH +125, MATERIALS +190, FOOD +250, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +15, 40 HP damage to aircraft.
Dynamite it (-25 Tech and -25 Materials)
The first few blasts don't do anything; the organism really is surprisingly solid. "THIRTY-SEVEN VICTIMS WHO LOOK LIKE BLOOD LEECHES" it bellows. Finally, a massive bomb thrown directly into its mouth manages to silence it. "TWENTY-FIVES WAYS TO TELL IF YOU'RE A-" it howls before finally exploding into a shower of pulsating parts.
The people of [HavenName] cheer even though their haven is now covered in Pandoran gore.
FOOD +500, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +10, Training zone is damaged.
Don't destroy the organism. Instead, study it
The people of [HavenName] are not enthusiastic about this plan, but it's better than nothing. "ARE THESE THE BEST ANEURISMS IN LOUNGE COUNTRY?" the organism groans. "TEN FIENDS WHO LOOK LIKE LEPIDOPTERISTS! DO YOU KNOW NUMBER SIX?"
The investigation shows that the organism contains a series of embedded organic structures that strongly resemble a human brain, adding another puzzle piece to our understanding of the Pandoravirus.
Research +125, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -7. Training zone is severely damaged.
Let them figure it out themselves
"TOP TEN EPIC FAILS IN MOLECULAR DECAY," the organism growls in idiotic triumph. "CAN YOU SMOTHER THE SUBLIME FISH?"
The people of [HavenName] go back to their lives, hoping that one day the problem will be solved - but not by the Phoenix Project.
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -9, Training zone is severely damaged.
The A Word
Conditions: Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project is less than 75.
A Synedrion satirist in [HavenName] has been causing diplomatic problems by writing a series of increasingly popular songs about the "Disciples of Anus." The Disciples demand an end to these insults, while Synedrion cite their unwavering dedication to freedom of speech.
Side with the Disciples of Anu; it is their right not to be mocked
After several heated meetings, the satirist agrees to stop performing and distributing new songs, although the previous ones will remain available. While opinion is divided, most Synedrion citizens see this development as deeply troubling.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Synedrion's attitude to Disciples of Anu -8.
Side with Synedrion; without freedom of speech, humanity cannot flourish
After several petitions, we receive word that the Synod of Yearning has ruled it a sin to become overly emotional over such a small issue - but at the same time, they have proclaimed the songs blasphemous, and our role in "promoting" them highly questionable.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Synedrion -8.
The Accused
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
[HavenName] has recently voted to grant asylum to a high-ranking New Jericho officer who is accused of having killed one of his own men. New Jericho demands he be extradited to face murder charges, but his defenders claim that the charges are merely a pretext to silence a dissenter. The officer has appealed to the Phoenix Project for support.
Demand that he be extradited
The people of [HavenName] are not interested in what the Phoenix Project has to say about this. As far as they are concerned, the sanctity of asylum is a foundational democratic principle and anyone who disregards it is stained for life. New Jericho appreciates our gesture, however.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +5, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -7.
Support his right to asylum
The people of [HavenName] are pleased to hear that the Phoenix Project supports the foundational democratic value that is the inviolability of asylum. New Jericho will just have to deal with not getting their pound of flesh.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +13.
Call in a favor with New Jericho to resolve the situation
The last thing this world needs is more conflict between human beings. Our contacts in New Jericho are willing to make this all go away, so long as the people of [HavenName] promise not to use the officer for propaganda purposes. An assembly is called to vote on this proposal, and a clear majority votes yes.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +6, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +25.
Recruit him for the Phoenix Project
The officer says he'd be happy to join, especially if it defuses the situation a little. He is grateful to the people of [HavenName] and doesn't want to cause more trouble.
One Sniper soldier received.
The Light of the Phoenix
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 50.
[HavenName] welcomes all Phoenix Project operatives as incarnations of the best parts of the spirit of the Enlightenment. By our actions, we have shown that the Phoenix Project is everything it claimed to be: a force dedicated to protecting humankind as a species, with science as its biggest weapon.
"The Phoenix Project dares to ask the difficult questions and to pursue answers even when there is a cost," one citizen says. "This dedication to scientific truth combined with universal values is what the world was missing for so long."
To back their praise up with material help, the people of [HavenName] decide to contribute directly to our cause. Wait for the assembly
An assembly is called to discuss how high the contribution should be. The discussion is quick, as there is almost no disagreement as to the value of the Phoenix Project.
TECH +150, MATERIALS +550.
The Measure of a Crab
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
Our operatives have made contact with a Synedrion haven called [HavenName]. Unfortunately, the citizens are currently engaged in a scheduled debate entitled Crabmen: Human or Humanoid, which has overrun significantly as various philosophical factions passionately make their points. Wait for the debate to end
It is generally agreed that the faction known as the Terraformers performed best in this debate. Its supporters, buoyed by success, vote to support the Phoenix Project with a contribution to our Tech.
TECH +100
Waiting Game
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0. Value Nkrumah is 1.
When our operatives arrive at [HavenName], they receive an urgent message from Dr. Jefferson Nkrumah. Apparently he left a long-term experiment running in his old lab here in [HavenName], and he'd like our operatives to report the results. A recent assembly voted to quarantine his lab, but he assures our operatives that the experiment is only mildly explosive.
Do as he asks
After a mild explosion that mildly tears the lab in two, our operatives can tell Dr. Nkrumah that he has indeed found a way of making Pandorans explode. The process may take several months to work, but in principle it does function as intended.
Dr. Nkrumah is satisfied, and gladly allows us to access his data.
Research +100, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -8, Soldiers lose 30 HP.
Refuse Dr. Nkrumah's request
The lab was quarantined for a reason, and we don't want to offend the good people of [HavenName], who have undoubtedly suffered at the hands of this mad genius.
Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +15.
Warm Welcome
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 50.
At [HavenName], our operatives are greeted with genuine warmth. The Phoenix Project is very welcome here. An assembly is quickly called to decide on a contribution to our cause, which is seen as almost synonymous with Synedrion's. Wait for the assembly
After a long and surprisingly detailed presentation from one Dr. Valerie Kwan, including top-secret information about the scientific activities of the Phoenix Project in the 1960s, the assembly votes on a considerable contribution.
MATERIALS +425, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +6
What Could Have Been
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project is between 0 and 25, New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project is less than 25, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project is less than 25.
The inhabitants of [HavenName] are greatly pleased to see the Phoenix Project back in action after such a long absence. The world, they agree, could have used our help. Who knows how this whole war against the Pandoravirus might have gone if the Phoenix Project had been able to fight back from day one. An international scientific response was exactly what the governments and corporations of the day prevented from happening.
But they don't blame us - as underfunded and understaffed as we were, how were we supposed to deal with a global crisis? It's a miracle any vestige of the Phoenix Project has survived at all. To make up a little bit for just how much we were neglected by the world, they offer to share some of their resources. Accept
An assembly is called and the precise amount of resources to be shared is debated. This takes some time, as some individuals insist on analyzing every single projected statistic first, but in the end, an agreement is reached.
Who We Were
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0.
The people of [HavenName] largely seem positively inclined towards us, but one individual insists that there's a philosophical question which must be debated before any diplomatic relations can proceed: was the Phoenix Project an arm of the pre-war bourgeoisie?
It was not
The Phoenix Project was an international organization dedicated to science and protecting humanity. As such, it represented a step beyond the concerns of the rich people of this or that country, or even of countries in general. It was a promise of a better world that sadly never materialized.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +12.
It was, but it doesn't matter
Any government-created institution of the pre-war world was technically speaking an arm of bourgeoisie, but so what? Isn't the point of Synedrion's ideology that there were many good things about the old world, and that those good things ought to be seized? Otherwise this accusation sounds suspiciously like being accused of sinfulness.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +15.
It was, and we're proud of that
There was a lot wrong with the old order, but that doesn't mean that the Phoenix Project is some kind of utopian project that hates the past. Yes, the Phoenix Project was created by the governments of that time, and it served the interests of those governments - including, at one time, the USSR. There's no shame in that.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -15.
The old world was nothing but sin
It doesn't matter what the Phoenix Project was in the old days. Everything was corrupt then. What matters is what the Phoenix Project is now.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +4, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -4, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -9.
Winds of Change
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0, Residential zone is present.
The Synedrion haven of [HavenName] is troubled by a strange growth not far from its borders. The growth appears to be a colony of pink protuberances that emit a fetid gas at regular intervals; the locals have named it the Clusterbutt. The gas is largely methane, and while not dangerous at this distance and in these amounts, the stench is stultifying. Every single attempt to destroy the growth has failed, as it always grows back within a few days.
"I'm afraid that whatever is producing the Clusterbutt is deep underground, like a mushroom, and what we're seeing is just the equivalent of the fruiting body," says a local scientist, Dr. Hendrik. "It may be impossible to eliminate under current conditions. I hope I'm wrong, because this.. well, it stinks."
Keep the growth intact and study it
The growth's name and appearance may be amusing, but its effect on the atmosphere is not: it is slowly terraforming our planet by pumping out large quantities of greenhouse gas. By itself, it's relatively harmless, but a large number of such growths could dramatically speed up the extreme climatic changes we are already experiencing. If the Pandoravirus is not stopped, Earth may become uninhabitable.
Research +65, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -10, Residential zone is severely damaged.
Blow it up, then pour concrete over the hole (-5 Tech, -15 Materials)
The Clusterbutt goes up in a big explosion followed by a rain of small pink blobs. But even with a thick layer of concrete poured over the crater, the problem is most likely not going to be solved permanently. Still, at least the good people of [HavenName] will get a few weeks of clean air. As thanks, Dr. Hendrik shares some of the data collected by the haven's scouts.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +15, One scavenging site revealed.
Inject a biotoxin into the area below the growth (-20 Tech)
It's not clear whether this will work in the long term, but it's the best idea anyone's come up with so far, and the people of [HavenName] are deeply grateful for the Phoenix Project's assistance. Funny as it all may seem, the truth is that the planet is changing in ways that do not bode well for humanity's future. To help us keep up the good fight, Dr. Hendrik shares some of the data collected by the haven's scouts.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +6, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +25, One scavenging site revealed.
Cruelly mock the inhabitants of [HavenName]
Dr. Hendrik is not amused by the puns our operatives come up with.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +5, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -4, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project -25. Residential zone is damaged.
Yearning to Breathe Free
Conditions: Haven Leader's attitude to the Phoenix Project is more than 0, Haven is in Mist, Factory zone is present.
A large group of refugees is trying to get to [HavenName], desperate and malnourished. Most of the area is covered in Mist and it's clear that without help, many of them will not make it. The haven has already voted to take them in, but this kind of rescue operation is not easy.
Could the Phoenix Project help?
Yes, it's our duty to help (-75 Food)
The rescue operation is a success, and very few people are lost to the Mist. However, while everyone is busy saving the refugees, some kind of acid-spewing slug invades the haven, damaging important machinery.
"It's a low enough price for saving so many lives," one of the citizens says to our operatives.
For the help we provided, [HavenName] rewards us with spare parts from an old EnyoSec laboratory they recently dismantled.
TECH +250, MATERIALS +375, FOOD +500, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +15, 40 Damage to aircraft.
Contact the Disciples of Anu for help
The Disciples immediately send a team to help and offer to take in some of the refugees, thus also easing the burden on [HavenName]. Not everyone is comfortable with this solution, but it's better than letting people die.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -4, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +7, Disciples of Anu's attitude to Synedrion +4, Synedrion's attitude to Disciples of Anu +4, 562 population change(?),
It's better not to take any risks when the Mist is so close
The people of [HavenName] do not appreciate our philosophical position on this matter, but during the rescue, the haven is nearly infested with acid-spitting slugs, and it's only thanks to our operatives that disaster is averted. Who knows how many people could have died if no-one was paying attention?
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3, Haven Leader’s attitude to Phoenix Project +8, 203 population change(?).
Research reactions with choices
Brain Power
Triggers when Neural Implant Technology research is finished by New Jericho
Synedrion Citizen Stas: This New Jericho neural tech we've been hearing about... it sounds like a pretty cool technology, really, but has anyone thought about how easily it could be abused by, uh, I don't know, an autocratic leader with delusions of grandeur?
It is a worrying possibility
It is, isn't it? Sometimes I miss the days when such questions were just science fiction. But I guess sooner or later, the future arrives, and then you have to deal with it.
New Jericho's attitude towards Synedrion -3
Synedrion's attitude towards New Jericho -5
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -4
This is just a weak attempt to fix a deeper problem with human biology
That seems like the sort of thing the Exalted would say. But I don't see the problem with the technology itself. Why is a technological fix worse than a biological one?
Hmm, because the biological fix is permanent. I guess I actually kind of see your point... but still, the real problem here is how the technology will be used in the long run.
New Jericho's attitude towards Synedrion -3
Synedrion's attitude towards New Jericho -6
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -1
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -4
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +4
New Jericho is a society of laws and principles. There will be no abuse
You think so? Because to me it seems like these principles never find structural expression and are thrown aside all too easily when it's convenient. But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe New Jericho is all you believe it to be. I hope so.
New Jericho's attitude towards Synedrion -3
Synedrion's attitude towards New Jericho -5
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -3
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3
No comment
New Jericho's attitude towards Synedrion -4
Synedrion's attitude towards New Jericho -4
The Old Ways
Triggers when Armadillo development research is finished by New Jericho
Disciples of Anu Taxiarch Nergal: My sources tell me New Jericho has developed a new type of APC. I hope they intend to use it to fight the Pandorans, not their fellow human beings. But the real question is - how can you win a war if you don't understand the battlefield? Al the vehicles in the world won't help you if you cling to the delusions of the old world. I should know. I remember the wars of the old world better than anyone.
A military victory is possible. Tobias West has a plan
An interesting display of faith. But all the great leaders of the old world thought they had plans, and where are they now?
Disciples of Anu's attitude to New Jericho -6
Synedrion's attitude to New Jericho -3
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -3
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +6
New Jericho is the last spasm of a dying order
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to New Jericho -4
Synedrion's attitude to New Jericho -3
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +4
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -5
Humanity needs all the tech it can get
Well... fair enough, actually. But we do have to be careful.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to New Jericho -4
Synedrion's attitude to New Jericho -3
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +1
The Legend of Fort Bacon
Triggers when Food Harvesting Technology research is finished by Phoenix Project
New Jericho Tobias West: Are you aware of the Legend of Fort Bacon? It's a tall tale, a myth of the post-apocalypse, that circulates among our soldiers. It tells of a haven where people have found a way to safely eat the Pandorans... which, if reports are to be believed, actually taste of bacon. It's a very human response, I suppose, not unlike the utopias dreamed up by medieval peasants.
But despite what Synedrion may tell us, there is no land of plenty, no secret have ruled by Prester John. The reality of this world is constant struggle against infection. And I wonder: has the Phoenix Project forgotten that? Have you decided to set up your own little Cockaigne, where the corpses of our enemies are a source of health and happiness?
Harvesting nutrients from Pandorans is a pragmatic choice guided by reason
A logical argument, at least on the surface. But I remember how many irrational policies were justified by an appeal to pragmatism, even as the Pandoravirus was destroying the world we knew. I would advise avoiding short-term thinking, and considering the long-term risks inherent in this technology you have developed. The pandorans are the problem, not the solution.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -4
New Jericho's attitude to Synedrion -2
The process is entirely safe. Oposing it because of mysophobia is absurd
To recognize the nature of the war we are fighting is not a type of phobia. I do not ascibe quasi-magical abilities to the pandorans; I merely understand that reasonable precautions are essential. How many innocents died in shelters that were supposed to be safe? How many armies were wiped out by nothing more than clouds of mist? We should never underestimate the Pandoravirus.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -5
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +3
Partaking of the flesh of the enemy is a step towards learning to exist in the new world
It saddens me to hear such foolishness coming from the Phoenix Project. This isn't science, it's superstition.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -8
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +5
The Pandoran Stain
Triggers when Mutagen Harvesting research is finished by Phoenix Project
New Jericho Tobias West: Do you really think the answers we need as a species lie in Pandoran biology, in plundering the invaders for their mutagens? The Disciples believe that humans need to evolve, to mutate - but don't you see the inherent misanthropy of this philosophy, blaming humanity for what was done to it by an alien aggressor? The very premise is profoundly unethical. If we start telling ourselves that we need the Pandorans in order to improve ourselves... how are we any better than the collaborator who tells himself the enemy will make things better in the long run?
We do what we much to survive
Perhaps... but at what cost? One could argue that the Pandorans themselves are a form of survival; they are part human, and they are alive, so there is biological continuity between us and them. But do they contain any of what is worthwhile about humanity?
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3
Recognizing humanity's biological flaws is not misanthropy
Not only is it misanthropy, it is also a denial of human agency, of our ability to make choices. At best, it's a way of distracting from failures of the will; at worse, it's outright treason against our species.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -6
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +4
This is none of New Jericho's business
Unfortunately, since our mission is defending humanity from all biological threats, it is our business.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -3
The New Jericho Position on Missionaries
Triggers when Missionary Center Technology research is finished by Disciples of Anu
New Jericho Tobias West: Word has reached me that the Disciples of Anu have begun training missionaries in an effort to convert more people before the Liturgy of the Divine Flesh. While New Jericho supports religious freedom, we hold that religion is a private matter. When religion becomes a tool of the state, dogma becomes a weapon, and grasping for the minds of our people becomes an act of war.
The Phoenix Project condemns proselytisation on principle
That is good to hear. We must employ reason to understand the nature of the threat we face, and act accordingly.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +4
New Jericho's attitude to Disciples of Anu -8
Disciples of Anu's attitude to New Jericho -4
The Disciples have the right to spread their beliefs
I understand the urge to look for easy answers, whether they are in politics or religion, but that is an approach we can no longer afford. Instead, we must employ reason to understand the nature of the threat we face, and act accordingly.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +6
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -5
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +2
New Jericho's attitude to Disciples of Anu -10
The cult of the Exalted is dangerous and should not be allowed to spread
Exactly! I understand the urge to look for easy answers, whether they are in politics or religion, but that is an urge we must reject. Instead, we must employ reason to understand the nature of the threat we face, and act accordingly.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -10
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +7
New Jericho's attitude to Disciples of Anu -10
The truth of the Exalted must be spread at any cost
Truth? Unsubstantiated claims and appeals to authority are not truth, they are surrender to the darkest, most primitive human instincts. Blind faith is what got us here in the first place.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +10
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -10
New Jericho's attitude to Disciples of Anu -12
I, Crabman
Triggers when Arthron Vivisection research is finished by Phoenix Project
Zhara: Have you ever thought about the ethics of our relationship with the Arthrons? We all say we're fighting to save humanity - but aren't they human, at least in part? They can speak, they can think...
If there was a way to save them, we would do it
So would I. After all, in a way they are part of us - our friends, our families, all those who were taken from us. I would take them back... if I could.
There isn't enough humanity left in them to matter
That's what Nikolai argues. But think of how often we've declared others subhuman in our history, and what the consequences have been.
Research reactions without choices
The Weapon
Triggers when Pandoravirus research is finished by Phoenix Project
Our research regarding the nature of the Pandoravirus has caused a great deal of controversy within the factions.
Tobias West sees our research as confirmation of what New Jericho has always preached: the Pandorans are invaders, a military solution is the only way forward, and anyone who disagrees is helping the enemy. In Synedrion, internal debates rage. What are the socio-political rights of creatures created by a bioweapon? Should we even be trying to co-exist?
As for the Disciples of Anu, there is no official statement from the Exalted or the Synod of Yearning, but rumors suggest they are neither surprised nor worried.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project +2
Victory by Understanding
Triggers when Scylla Vivisection research is finished by Phoenix Project
New Jericho Tobias West: Congratulations on capturing a live specimen of such a fearsome predator. It can't have been easy, and I admire your dedication to understanding the enemy.
Player reply: Thank you.
Some of my people think killing the Pandorans is enough, but if that were true, why did all the armies of the world fail to stop them? To win a war, you need to know when and where to strike. Maybe we're a step closer now.
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project +3
Triggers when Pandoran Telepathic Nodule research is finished by Phoenix Project
Our research has once again caused controversy.
To New Jericho, the existence of the telepathic nodule is unsurprising: they have always seen infection as an attack on human will. But it's made their relationship to the Disciples of Anu deteriorate even further, as they now see the Disciples as not only trying to pervert, but to enslave humanity.
To Synedrion, confirmation that the Pandorans are controlled by an external force is deeply shocking. To the Polyphonic Tendency subfaction, it means co-existence is no longer as simple: the Pandoran creatures must be liberated first. But the Terraformers argue that this is naive; the task is to take control of the Earth for humanity, not romanticize the alien invaders.
The Disciples, meanwhile, have released a rare official statement from the Exalted: "Behold, our people have drunken deep of the Waters of Life, and yet they are free. Our path leads not to enslavement, but to liberation from the flaws of the old flesh."
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project +2
New Jericho's attitude to Disciples of Anu -5
Know Thy Enemy
Triggers when Yuggothian Entity research is finished by Phoenix Project
Finally, we have revealed the true enemy behind the Pandoravirus: the Yuggothian Entity.
For New Jericho, this is excellent news. Finally, a proper war with clear sides - and they know which side they're on. There's no more time for traitors or accommodationists.
For Synedrion, it's now a question of philosophy - do they want to seize the master's tools and transform the world, or destroy this cosmic hierarchy and let things take their own course? The answer will have to be reached democratically.
The Disciples of Anu have no official statement on any parallels between the Yuggothian Entity and their Dead God. The Liturgy of the Divine Flesh draws close, and they have more important things to focus on than the ravings of those trapped in ideologies of the old world.
New Jericho's attitude to Disciples of Anu -5
Disciples of Anu's attitude to New Jericho -5
New Jericho's attitude to Synedrion -3.
By our hand
Triggers when Virophage Injector research is finished by Phoenix Project
Despite our enhanced security protocols, information regarding the Virophage injector has leaked out. As a result, all factions have ceased diplomatic relations with us. At this point, war is inevitable.
There's only one way forward now. Either we take the ultimate risk, or humanity falls.
Synedrion's attitude to Phoenix Project -50
New Jericho's attitude to Phoenix Project -50
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Phoenix Project -50
Beyond the human
Triggers when Mutation Technology research is finished by Disciples of Anu
New Jericho Tobias West: The more the Disciples of Anu invest into this mutation tech, the further away they will move from what New Jericho considers humanity. This is not a threat, but a statement.
There is still time to look to reason, not superstition, for solutions. To seek answers in human will, instead of submission to the alien. But that time is running out.
New Jericho's attitude to Disciples of Anu -8
Disciples of Anu's attitude to New Jericho -4
The Hound of Anu
Triggers when Mutog War Beast research is finished by Disciples of Anu
New Jericho Abongameli Smith: This "Mutog" research the Disciples are engaging in is deeply troubling. Fooling around with mutation is dangerous enough to begin with, but to not even have a proper way of controlling the creature you've created?
How long before one of these creatures goes berserk? How long before there are unexpected consequences to their genetic composition? How long before a few of them get free and start breeding? Is the Exalted trying to fight the Pandorans, or strengthen them?
New Jericho's attitude to Disciples of Anu -6
It's a Bird... It's a Plane...
Triggers when Advanced Tiamat Development research is finished by Disciples of Anu
There are reports of a new generation of Disciples of Anu airships. Like the older models, these are semi-organic: part living organism, part machine. None of the other factions have made any official announcements, but both Synedrion and New Jericho have started beefing up their own air capabilities.
New Jericho's attitude to Disciples of Anu -4
Synedrion's attitude to Disciples of Anu -3
Marching On
Triggers when Technician Development research is finished by New Jericho
Synedrion Athena: So New Jericho continues to expand its military capabilities, this time with a new class of soldier. The Technician! Robotic arms! Cranial input hubs! It all sounds very impressive, and we are not exactly opposed to this development, but we do wonder: when is New Jericho going to invest in anything other than war?
Yes, we need to achieve some kind of peace, and we in Synedrion aren't unwilling to fight. But winning is more than just building the biggest army. To win, we need a functional infrastructure. We need people who can plan. We need a system that works.
Synedrion's attitude to New Jericho -4
The Walls of Jericho
Triggers when Walls of Jericho Project research is finished by New Jericho
Disciples of Anu Synod of Yearning: New Jericho, hiding their havens behind walls. So frightened of infection. Frightened of change. Clinging to the old world, to everything that is already lost. Yes.
The Walls of Jericho will fall. Yes. As they fell before, yes, yes. You cannot keep change out with walls. A flood comes. Water eats away at stone. You cannot build fast enough. Yes.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to New Jericho -10
Triggers when Project Vulture research is finished by New Jericho
Synedrion Stas: It seems New Jericho has given up any pretense of ethics in its research. This is deeply disappointing - I always thought they at least had some basic humanistic principles.
At this point, what's the difference between New Jericho and the Pandorans? They certainly share the same contempt for human life.
Synedrion's attitude to New Jericho -12
Disciples of Anu's attitude to New Jericho -10
The Philosopher-King
Triggers when Command Fortress research is finished by New Jericho
Synedrion Zhara: According to the sheer deluge of New Jericho spam we've received over our comms, Tobias West has finished building his new and impressive Command Fortress. Now, it may not be Synedrion's habit to comment on other people's architectural choices... but we strongly urge everyone who supports West to think about what kind of society he is building.
West claims to value freedom above all else, but can there ever be genuine freedom in a society dominated by hierarchies, watched over by the philosopher-king inside his invincible fortress? He may offer the promise of victory over the Pandorans... but then what? What kind of world do you want to build for your children?
Synedrion's attitude to New Jericho -15
Disciples of Anu's attitude to New Jericho -8
Triggers when Centralized AI research is finished by New Jericho
Synedrion Zhara: It's just come to our attention that New Jericho has created an enslaved artificial intelligence, presumably to help West run his little military empire. We do not object to people choosing of their own free will to subscribe to West's dogma, even if we believe New Jericho is reactionary to the core. But to force a newly-created sentience into service like that?
West keeps saying that New Jericho is about liberty. If it is, why wasn't this artificial intelligence given the right to join New Jericho voluntarily? Let it use its tremendous intelligence to determine whether New Jericho really does have the answers. Or is that too frightening?
Synedrion's attitude to New Jericho -8
The Book of Lies
Triggers when Project Domovoy research is finished by Synedrion
Disciples of Anu Synod of Yearning: The Nature of Synedrion revealed. Yes. Witness their fear. Hiding in "safe zones" like children, trying to keep out the world. Apostates from reality, escaping to shallow dreams of comfort. Afraid to dream the deeper dreams. Afraid to plunge into the deep black sky and swim. Yes. Yes.
Their bodies are too weak for this world. Yes. Soft and weak and broken. Hide in their gardens, pretend the world will change. But we know the truth. Yes. Change is already here. We must adapt. We must learn. Yes. Become greater. This is the only hope. Everything else is delusion. Yes.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Synedrion -15
New Jericho's attitude to Synedrion -8
Far from the Flood
Triggers when Mist Repeller development is finished by Synedrion
Disciples of Anu Blind Legate: Synedrion, we are told, are working on ways to repel the mist. This by itself is not a sin; we do not condemn it, for the mist is a flood, and brings life and death alike. They seek safety for their people, as do we.
But if you push the flood away too far, you will die of stagnation. Synedrion has forgotten how to look beyond the flood at the wide sea, at the future. Instead they look inward, lost in a maze of reflections. What they offer is not salvation, but a trap.
Disciples of Anu's attitude to Synedrion -15
The Foundation of Freedom
Triggers when Mindfragger Autopsy is finished by Phoenix Project
Abongameli Smith: Mindfraggers. Funny how that crude name our soldiers came up with stuck. Appropriate, I suppose. These vile creatures personify everything that makes the Pandorans so despicable: they are designed to rob us of our will, of our humanity.